Understand everything about control vectors and issues | handles

Did you know ? There are a multitude of vectors involved in diseases that affect animals or plants. Focus on 4 diseases.

bluetongue is a viral disease that affects ruminants, and does not affect humans or foodstuffs. Transmitted by a midge, it can cause significant economic losses in livestock farming. > Bluetongue in 5 questions.

In African porcine fish (PPA) is a haemorrhagic viral disease that affects domestic pigs and wild boars and is not contagious to humans. It represents a threat to the professional sectors concerned. Even if the first mode of transmission remains direct contact with an infected animal, the virus can be transmitted by the bite of ticks of the genus Ornithodoros. > Focus on ticks, a subject of multiple research.

Xylella fastidiosa is a bacterium that can currently infect nearly 600 plant species and impact major agricultural sectors. It is transmitted by biting-sucking insect vectors. About thirty species of leafhoppers feed on the raw sap of the xylem and can therefore potentially transmit the bacterium in France. > Who is Xylella fastidiosa?

The pine nematode is a microscopic worm that affects trees of the conifer family and in particular maritime pines. It is a particularly destructive parasite, responsible for serious dieback in pine forests. Transmitted by a beetle, its spread is mainly linked to the transport of wood or plants. > Find out more regarding the pine nematode.

tick-borne encephalitis virus : for the first time in France, cases of human contamination by this virus through food have been observed. Several ANSES laboratories have taken action to understand the circumstances, to improve detection of the virus in raw milk products in order to prevent similar risks of contamination. > Discover the first results.



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