The house does not have a clothes dryer, after washing, do this right away to quickly dry the clothes, despite the humid weather

Wash clothes early in the morning

The best time to wash and dry clothes is early in the morning. Drying clothes in the morning will give the clothes time to dry during the day. Avoid drying clothes at night because the humidity is high at this time. Even when drying in a covered place, the clothes still have an unpleasant smell.

After washing, you should bring clothes dry immediately, avoid leaving it for a long time to create conditions for bacteria and mold to grow and produce odors.

Rinse with warm water

If washing by hand or washing machine does not have a warm water wash mode, following washing, you can soak the clothes in hot water regarding 60 degrees and then wring them out. Hot water that evaporates quickly will help clothes dry faster.

Use fabric softener

When washing clothes, you can choose specialized fabric softeners to help clothes dry faster. According to experts, whether hand washing or machine washing, you only need to soak your clothes in fabric softener for 10-15 minutes to let the scent penetrate into the fabric to help your clothes smell good and avoid moldy odors.

Stretching clothes

Cold season clothes are often thick and difficult to dry, some types even have pockets, hats or complicated designs that easily collect water. They will make it difficult for moisture to escape.

Therefore, when drying, you should stretch your clothes as much as possible so that the pockets and hats are ventilated.

The house does not have a clothes dryer, following washing, do this right away to quickly dry the clothes, despite the humid weather-2

If you have a lot of clothes that need to be washed, you should divide them into different washing batches, classify the items that need immediate cleaning and have more urgent needs to wash first. Items that are not soiled and are still dry can be left to wait when the weather is less humid and then washed later.

Hang clothes in a place with good air circulation

According to some people, hanging clothes in the house or by the window will limit the situation of wet rain and condensation. However, when the weather is humid, hanging clothes indoors will make the house even more humid and increase the chance of mold growth. It is best to dry your clothes in a well-ventilated place. If you have a terrace or a drying yard, you should take advantage of the sunny and windy weather to take your clothes out to dry.



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