“You will pay the price”

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Von: Daniel Dillmann

Trouble in NATO: Erdogan accuses the United States of not fulfilling its promises to Turkey on the subject of fighter jets. The Turkish President is threatening new alliances.

Bilecik – In a speech Recep Tayyip Erdogan blatantly threatened the United States. If the NATO partner does not keep its promises, it will “have to pay the price”. According to the President, the Turkey Paid $1.4 billion for F35 fighter jets but never received them. “Now we want to buy F16 fighter jets, but you won’t give them to us. You did the same with the F35,” Erdogan said. “As Muslim Turks, we keep our promises and we expect the same from you.”

The threat towards the USA said Erdogan at an event in the Turkish city of Bilecik, which ran under the name “Meeting with young people”. The motto of the event was: “Our roots are in the past, our eyes in the future” – probably an allusion to the history of the Ottoman Empire.

Fighter jets for Turkey: Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatens the USA with a new alliance

In his speech, Erdogan threatened the United States with far-reaching consequences if they did not keep their promises to Turkey. His government is ready to look for other allies for Turkey. You might find what you are looking for among the international enemies of the USA. “We told them we were planning three-way talks with Russia, Syria and Turkey. We can also include Iran. Let’s also integrate Iran,” said Erdogan to the hall, which seemed to be filled primarily with young Turks.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatens the US with a new alliance. (Archive photo) © Christoph Soeder/dpa

His country is able to agree on a ceasefire in such talks Ukraine war to reach. the Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine have come to a standstill. Turkey’s attempts at mediation have repeatedly failed in the past.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks regarding Turkey’s arms deals with Russia

Turkey is one of the few Nato-Member States that continue to have more or less close ties with Russia. Erdogan also spoke regarding arms deals between the two countries. He was asked – probably by Joe Biden’s government – not to buy any more S400 missiles from Russia. “They told us: Give up the S400. We do not do that. We have already bought them. They are in our possession,” said the Turkish President.

In Turkey, Erdogan and his AKP are in the middle of an election campaign. The Turkey election was brought forward. The deadline is now May 14, 2023. According to polls, Erdogan’s government is at risk of being voted out. It is up to the President to prevent this – and Erdogan is apparently not above making pithy announcements to his actual ally, the USA. (dil)



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