Early elections: Congressman Amuruz to Sigrid Bazán: “get out of Venezuela or Cuba” | congress | POLICY

Congresswoman Roselli Amuruz (Avanza País) attacked her colleague Sigrid Bazán (Cambio Democrático-Juntos por el Perú) in a tense exchange of words during the debate for the approval of the substitute text that proposes the advancement of elections for December of this year.

It all started when legislator Sigrid Bazán pointed out that, if there is no consensus in Congress to advance the elections, “it is clear that the solution is for Mrs. Dina Boluarte to resign.”

In her participation, the parliamentarian Amuruz affirmed that neither the resignation of the president, like the Constituent Assembly, will not have a truce in Congress.

However, he alluded to Bazán following questioning her regarding her controversial statements in which peaceful protests do not generate any results. “Congresswoman Sigrid Bazán lands, respect the lives of Peruvians and the Constitution.”

“The Constitution only endorses peaceful demonstrations, otherwise get the hell out of the country. Go to Venezuela or Cuba, you will be well received thereAmuruz added.

Sigrid Bazán did not remain silent and responded as follows: “I do not know if Mrs. Amuruz watches the interviews from a disco, party or ‘party’ because she is not interpreting the context of the statements that we all make in the media, I understand that she is irritated ( …) if you believe that this is solved by staying until 2026, if you had a little more listening and analysis, you would understand it”, Bazán stated.

Finally, Roselli Amuruz recalled Sigrid Bazán’s trips to Miami (United States) and to India. “When she had her ministry there, she was very quiet,” she concluded.

After the incident between Bazán and Amuruz, the first vice president of Congress, Martha Moyanocalled on both congresswomen to “catch up.”



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