More than 9 out of 10 women screened do not know this risk factor

Breast cancer is one of the types of cancer most common among women in France. Each year, according to Public Health France environ 50,000 new cases are diagnosed and more than 12,000 women die of this disease. Many risk factors are known for this pathology. But one of the most important of them is often neglectedaccording to a recent study.

A new study on breast cancer

A new study published in JAMA Network Open January 23 reveals an important risk factor unknown to the general public for breast cancer. It is breast tissue density. Indeed, science shows that the dense breast tissue is associated with a high risk of breast cancer. A risk 1.2 to four times higher than having a first-degree relative with this pathology! Unfortunately, this information is not not shared enough with women of age to be tested.

This study was conducted in 2019 and 2020 by scientists from the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy in the United States. Their aim was to assess women’s knowledge of the risks of cancer be you. They questioned 1,858 women aged 40 to 76 with no history of breast cancer and having had a mammogram. The scientists were thus able to compare their knowledge different risk factors for breast cancer. For example, breast density, the presence of a relative with this cancer, obesity, alcohol consumption, the absence of children and a previous cancer.

An unknown risk factor

“Compared to other breast cancer risks known and perhaps better known, women did not perceive breast density as a significant risk”, said Laura Beidler, the author of the study. In fact, they were even 93% reportable that breast density is only one lower risk.

It is important to note that breast tissue density is not not an abnormal condition. It simply means breasts that contain more glandular and fibrous tissue than fatty tissue. It can be observed in regarding half of women having had a mammogram. The density can vary over a woman’s lifetime. For example, it is generally a little higher in teenagers or pregnant women.

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Promote early detection

The raison why the risk of developing cancer increases with increased breast density is still blurry. On CNN, an oncologist said: “One hypothesis is that women who have denser breast tissue have higher estrogen levelswhich contributes to both breast density and the risk of developing breast cancer.”

The study suggests that women with high breast density might benefit from additional screening procedures. MRI or breast ultrasound, for example, would detect cancers missed during mammograms. Early detection greatly increases the chances of recovery. The stakes are therefore high!



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