On the set of We redid the TV, we talked about Sophie Davant’s vacation. The TV presenter would not have really appreciated them.

Sophie Davant and Caroline Margeridon: an unexpected friendship

It’s been more than 5 years now that the show Affaire Conclue has fascinated viewers. Since its first broadcast in 2017, its presenter Sophie Davant has become an icon of France 2. In addition to her celebrity, the 59-year-old woman also made various encounters during the show. Among them, his great friend Caroline Margeridon. However, the friendship between the two blondes was not instantaneous.

Indeed, they were different from each other. Besides, they didn’t really see each other for a while. According to Sophie Davant, this distance would even have lasted nearly two years. We wonder how their relationship could have changed so much. Caroline Margeridon even recently shared Sophie Davant’s vacation lately.

Sophie Davant’s vacation: an opportunity to spend time with her friend

For a while, the two women supported each other for the smooth running of the show. Eventually, after spending so much time together, they found something in common. This new proximity has created a very strong friendship between them. Now they spend a lot more time together and not just on the show set.

Indeed, they began to share moments off the screen. Moreover, Caroline Margeridon has even agreed to share the holidays of Sophie Davant. An opportunity for the two friends to spend time together. Unfortunately, the presenter ofDeal Concluded would not have kept good memories.

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Confidences on the holidays of Sophie Davant

In the show We redo the TV, Sophie Davant took the floor to tell how her vacation went. One thing is certain, it has not been easy. Apparently, her friend Caroline Margeridon wouldn’t have stopped talking from morning to night. To be able to do activities like reading, you had to get away from her a bit. Besides, Caroline herself did not deny these confidences.

She had even noticed that during Sophie Davant’s vacation, the latter went swimming when she was tired of listening to her friend. On the other hand, the fact that Caroline Margeridon is talkative does not necessarily displease the star of Affaire Conclue. She won’t let these little annoyances destroy their friendship.