Finding ‘bottlenecks’ in disbursement of public investment capital in Binh Duong province | Finance

Chairman of Binh Duong Provincial People’s Committee Vo Van Minh chaired a conference to review the public investment disbursement campaign from December 8, 2022 to January 31, 2023. (Photo: Chi Tuong/VNA)

On the followingnoon of February 1, Chairman of Binh Duong People’s Committee Vo Van Minh chaired a conference to review the capital disbursement campaign government’s Invest from December 8, 2022 to January 31, 2023.

According to the aggregate results, the disbursement rate of public investment capital in 2022 will reach 74.4%. Thus, following 53 days and nights of launching the campaign, the disbursement rate of public investment capital of Binh Duong province has increased from 50% to more than 74%, a good rate compared to the years before the COVID-19 epidemic.

However, among the projects that are determined to reach 100% of the goal, there are still many projects and works that plan to allocate large capital sources in the 2022 plan but have not been able to disburse until now.

Notably, the equipment procurement package for Binh Duong General Hospital with 1,500 beds, was allocated capital of more than 379 billion VND in 2022, but at the end of the year plan, no disbursement was made.

Similarly, a number of other projects, including the construction of the Binh Duong Smart City Operation Center headquarters, have not yet been disbursed; next is the project of investment in fire monitoring, security and traffic safety camera systems; component 6 project on compensation, support and resettlement Ring Road 3 section through Binh Duong province or Hung Vuong High School for the Gifted and the drainage and wastewater treatment system in Ben Cat area…

According to Director of Binh Duong Department of Planning and Investment Pham Trong Nhan, a number of bidding packages for procurement of specialized equipment have complex nature that cannot be organized or can be found a contractor that meets the requirements, so the owner Investors have to cancel bids for re-bidding, unable to disburse public investment capital in 2022. Typically, key projectlarge capital plans have low disbursement rate.

Projects with low capital disbursement include the construction of a bridge over the Dong Nai river reaching 14%, the central technical block and the funeral home (belonging to the 1/500 detailed planning area of ​​the 1,500-bed General Hospital and the Security Board. health care for provincial officials) only reached 14% or the project of upgrading and expanding DT746 road (section from Tan Thanh junction to Hoi Nghia junction) reached 16%…

The reason for the low disbursement of projects and works is because the time to deploy the campaign falls at the end of the year, coinciding with the New Year and Lunar New Year holidays, so the implementation time is not much while the workload has to be completed. quite large implementation.

Along with that, there are obstacles and inadequacies in public investment that have lasted for many years as prescribed by law related to public investment (authority to adjust capital plans, separate site clearance projects into other projects). independence, policies on land acquisition, compensation, support for resettlement…), problems in construction, issuance of land price plans, coordination in the relocation of technical infrastructure works. ..

Currently, the province is focusing capital for key projects, minimizing the allocation of capital for new projects that are not necessary and not really urgent. Therefore, many projects that are regarding to be invested cannot be disbursed due to the lack of investment policy approval. The lack of availability of eligible projects for capital allocation makes it difficult to transfer capital plans from projects that cannot be disbursed according to schedule during the year.

[Kỳ vọng doanh nghiệp xây dựng hạ tầng bắt nhịp cùng đầu tư công]

To ensure public investment capital for the medium-term period 2021-2025, the Department of Planning and Investment has advised the Provincial People’s Committee to submit to the Provincial People’s Council for approval to extend the capital plan of many projects. judgment; in which a number of projects are forecast to face many difficulties and problems that cannot be completely resolved in 2022.

Along with that, the disbursement rate of the capital plan in 2021 has also significantly affected the overall disbursement rate in 2022.

Mr. Pham Trong Nhan also pointed out the urgent problems that need to be removed such as appraisal and approval of land unit prices; focus more resources to clear bottlenecks in disbursement of public investment capital.

According to Mr. Nhan, it is necessary to prepare investment as soon as possible to promptly adjust if there are problems arising during the implementation process, not to put it into the last months of the year to avoid falling into a passive state, when it is necessary to adjust air quality. timely disbursement of capital plan.

In addition, the lack of availability of eligible projects for capital allocation makes it difficult to transfer capital plans from projects that cannot be disbursed according to the schedule during the year. At the same time, it is necessary to study a mechanism that allows to prepare a number of projects that have not been implemented immediately to transfer capital in case of necessity.

At the meeting, Chairman of Binh Duong People’s Committee Vo Van Minh said that public investment projects involve many stages, especially in land price. Although the public investment results in 2022 were not as expected, these are also great efforts of the whole government system, the investor has made great efforts to increase the disbursement rate in the campaign of more than 50 days to strive to solve the problem. public investment capital until the end of January 31, 2023.

The Chairman of the People’s Committee of Binh Duong province also directed the departments, agencies, the People’s Committees of the districts, towns and cities to continue implementing the tasks and solutions that have been effectively promoted in the past time. ; at the same time, request the Land Price Appraisal Council and the assisting team to continue promoting the achieved results and promptly guide the investor units to complete the dossier for appraisal and submission for approval. , especially the backlogs transitioning from 2022.

Tim's 'diem' in the first stage of life in Binh Duong province 2Road construction. (Photo: Tuan Kiet/VNA)

For projects that are expected to start new construction in 2023, the province requires agencies and investor units to urgently complete the necessary procedures for early implementation, not to focus on the end of the year. arising risks leading to the failure to disburse the capital plan.

The provincial President suggested that the units make every effort to achieve the target of the first quarter of 2023, the disbursement rate of public investment capital must reach 25%; The first 6 months of the year reached 65%.

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the investors to actively develop the implementation plan and disbursement schedule for each project, including explanation and risk assessment during the implementation of each project; make periodic or irregular reports as required on the implementation and disbursement of the state budget investment plan in 2023 under the guidance of the Department of Planning and Investment…/.

Chi Tuong (VNA/Vietnam+)



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