Earlier than we thought.. health experts determine the age of onset of aging

aging skin at Human You start when he’s twenty-five, not fifty or sixty as we might think.

The platform explains that aging begins slowly and gradually. At twenty-five, our body stops producing a substance Collagen As it was done in previous periods.

And when collagen production declines in the body, this affects the consistency and freshness of the human skin, but the situation differs from one person to another.

An individual can follow some steps to keep his skin from creeping wrinkles for some time, especially when he follows a healthy diet and sleep.

In general, aging begins at thirty, and at this age, the body begins to lose muscle mass, knowing that the body consists of four elements: fat, muscle, bone and water.

Upon reaching this age, important organs such as the liver and kidneys may begin to lose some of their cells, while the bones may lose a number of minerals and become less dense.

And when the muscle tissue in the body declines, this leads directly to a decrease in the level of water in the person, while the percentage of fat increases significantly, so that it may rise by a third compared to the level of the young years.

In order to avoid the symptoms of aging as much as possible, experts recommend auxiliary steps such as:

  • Exercising regularly and not being idle.
  • Follow a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages that are harmful to health.
  • Avoid smoking of all kinds.


According to the “Medicine Net” website, which specializes in medical affairs, the aging skin at Human You start when he’s twenty-five, not fifty or sixty as we might think.

The platform explains that aging begins slowly and gradually. At twenty-five, our body stops producing a substance Collagen As it was done in previous periods.

And when collagen production declines in the body, this affects the consistency and freshness of the human skin, but the situation differs from one person to another.

An individual can follow some steps to keep his skin from creeping wrinkles for some time, especially when he follows a healthy diet and sleep.

In general, aging begins at thirty, and at this age, the body begins to lose muscle mass, knowing that the body consists of four elements: fat, muscle, bone and water.

Upon reaching this age, important organs such as the liver and kidneys may begin to lose some of their cells, while the bones may lose a number of minerals and become less dense.

And when the muscle tissue in the body declines, this leads directly to a decrease in the level of water in the person, while the percentage of fat increases significantly, so that it may rise by a third compared to the level of the young years.

In order to avoid the symptoms of aging as much as possible, experts recommend auxiliary steps such as:

  • Exercising regularly and not being idle.
  • Follow a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages that are harmful to health.
  • Avoid smoking of all kinds.



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