The black faded person reincarnated with a gun “ELDEN BLING” will be released on Steam, and the official warning is that the game is difficult and must not be bought | 4Gamers

Usually when a game becomes popular, it is inevitable that there will be homage or counterfeit works borrowing from the homonym or gameplay of the game. Obviously, “Elden Ring”, which won TGA’s best game of the year in 2022, has become a new follow-up target. A new work called “Elden Bling” has appeared, which is officially marked as a black comedy soul-like shooting game.

Yes, “Elden Bling” is obviously the English name of “Elden Ring”, and the first picture on the cover is a strong black man with a crown on his head. The screenshots of the game are similar to the ring and the FromSoftware has nothing to do, only barely has a UI interface similar to soul games and third-person battles.

What’s even more funny is that the role played by the player does not seem to use traditional cold weapons, but pistols.It seems that he also has a little understanding of Wei Ming’s swordsmanship.



Although “Elden Bling” seems to be a funny low-cost game, if you study it carefully, you will know that the development team of this game, Team SNEED, is very familiar. They have launched it in 2021.CUCKOLD SIMULATOR: Life as a Beta Male Cuck. Let the player play the role of Cuckold, a green hat husband, who works hard to support his wife and children. The game has received thousands of extremely positive reviews on Steam.

The protagonist of “Elden Bling” is Tyrone, and it happens that this Tyrone is the black man who made the protagonist wear a cuckold in “Cuckold Simulator”.


The role of Tyrone is not only active in “Green Hat Simulator”, Team SNEED is also launching an action shooting game in 2022《TYRONE vs COPS》the player takes the role of Tyrone and fights with the American police with a weapon to satirize the arrest disputes that have erupted in recent years. The game has also received thousands of positive reviews from players on Steam.

In other words, Elden Bling is a series, but knowing this information won’t do you any good.


According to the store description, Tyrone, the protagonist of “Elden Bling”, passed away due to an accidental drug overdose, and was unexpectedly reborn with the blessing of the Egyptian pharaoh. In another world, he had to find the artifact “Elden Bling” and rewrite his own destiny.

The development team also emphasized that the game has an epic boss battle connected to the real world, an unforgettable schizophrenic game design, and emphasized that 0% of the game revenue will be donated to charities and other dry words.


Team SNEED final warning,This game is very difficult so don’t buy it if you’re a kid or you’ll probably get your money back pretty quickly.

The black comedy and funny soul shooter “Elden Bling” is expected to be on Steam in the first season of 2023. According to Team SNEED’s past reputation, I believe the game should not disappoint fans who love Tyrone.



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