Causing harm to health.. A pet parrot costs its owner imprisonment and a fine

News Agency, take off hip joint The doctor softened and broke his pelvis after the fall caused by the parrot bird, as the bird landed on the doctor’s back and started flapping its wings, which led to the doctor’s panic and falling to the ground.

Dr. Lin filed a lawsuit against the parrot’s owner, claiming that his injury was caused by… neglectHe filed a civil suit for compensation for his financial losses.

He told the court that he stayed a week in the hospital because of his injury and was unable to work for more than half a year, and needed six months to recover, of which three months of special care.

His lawyer said Dr. Lin is a plastic surgeon, and his job involves: "Stand for a long time to conduct surgery"Consequently, the injury led to huge financial losses.

said the lawyer "He can now walk but if he stands for long periods of time he still feels numbness in his limbs".

A representative of the court told the media that the case "Rare" It is not like any case seen in court civilians over the past decade.

And she passed court that Doctor Lin’s downfall was due to the parrot’s owner’s negligence.

The judge said that the volume parrot Large, 40 cm high with a 60 cm wing span meant that the owner owned a large animal, and had to take preventive measures.

The Central News Agency said the verdict was issued "charged with causing unintentional injury".

The owner said he respects the court’s decision, but intends to appeal, arguing that parrots Not aggressive and that compensation "Too high".


According to Taiwan Central News Agency, take off hip joint The doctor softened and broke his pelvis after the fall caused by the parrot bird, as the bird landed on the doctor’s back and started flapping its wings, which led to the doctor’s panic and falling to the ground.

Dr. Lin filed a lawsuit against the parrot’s owner, claiming that his injury was caused by… neglectHe filed a civil suit for compensation for his financial losses.

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He told the court that he stayed a week in the hospital because of his injury and was unable to work for more than half a year, and needed six months to recover, of which three months of special care.

His lawyer said Dr. Lin is a plastic surgeon, and his job involves “standing for a long time for a procedure.” surgeryConsequently, the injury led to huge financial losses.

“He can now walk, but if he stands for long periods of time, he still feels numbness in his limbs,” the lawyer said.

A representative of the court told the media that the case was “rare” and unlike any seen in the past court civilians over the past decade.

And she passed court that Doctor Lin’s downfall was due to the parrot’s owner’s negligence.

The judge said that the volume parrot Large, 40 cm high with a 60 cm wing span meant that the owner owned a large animal, and had to take preventive measures.

The Central News Agency said the verdict was handed down “for causing unintentional injury”.

The owner said he respects the court’s decision, but intends to appeal, arguing that parrots Not aggressive and that the compensation is “extremely high”.

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