Cammesa assigned dispatch priority to five renewable projects

The call for the fourth quarter of Renewable Energy Term Market (Mater) was strongly marked by the bottlenecks in transport networks and the Wholesale Electricity Market Administration Company (Cammesa) assigned the dispatch priority to only five green projects.

The restrictions on the availability of transport networks is not a new problem and it had already hurt previous calls. Not only did it force Cammesa to send projects to a final tiebreaker, but in some brokers there is zero availability.

As indicated on the official page of the Mater, Cammesa granted dispatch priority to four solar farms and one wind farm. In total, the developments cover an installed power of some -scarce- 90 MW and the bulk was distributed between the corridor of the Argentine Northwest and Cuyo.

According to the schedule, the projects have a committed entry date to start generating on February 26, 2025.

It is worth remembering that during the call of the Mater corresponding to the third quarter of 2022, 35 projects participated for a green capacity of 1,660 MW. Due to transport limitations, most of the projects went to a tiebreaker mechanism and some 444 MW were finally awarded.

The projects that received priority

From May to lower power, the Villa Ángela solar park of the firm Agro Industrias Baires SA obtained dispatch priority for regarding 30 MW of power. The project will be located in the province of Chaco and the export corridor is the NEA.

In second place was the Pampa del Infierno solar park, owned by the company Energías Renovables Las Lomas SA, which achieved dispatch priority for regarding 25 MW. C.It shares the same province and corridor as the previous one. In the previous call, it had achieved priority for another 100 MW, the largest project in the third quarter.

90 MW
It is the power that Cammesa assigned, in the fourth call of the Mater in 2022.

In addition to being the largest projects, both achieved priority without the need to go to a tiebreaker. This is because they are in an area with available transport capacity.

The last three projects are the Aconcagua solar park, which was assigned a capacity of 5 MW, the wind farm San Luis Norte with another 5.02 MW and the El Carrizal solar park for 24.98 MW.

In detail, the solar park of the firm Aconcagua Energía will export through the Cuyo corridor, as will El Carrizal, of the firm Surland Cuyana. While the wind farm of the company Generación Eléctrica Argentina Renovable by the central corridor.

These last three were assigned through the tiebreaker mechanism, since they share the Centro-Cuyo-NOA line, which only had 35 MW of availability.

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