Full forehead
According to the general, children have a good future, if the baby’s forehead is more and more full, the more intelligent, active, agile he grows up, since he was a child, he has been curious to learn everything.
Looking at the forehead, you can see that he is a liberal and strong-minded person who often becomes a pioneer, achieving many successes right from his school days.
Therefore, children with full foreheads following growing up are not only smart but also very famous and have status in society.
Press the wide road
One of the most important features of the human face is the seal. The reason why people think that this is an important place is because life is successful or unsuccessful, rich or rich, just looking at the road will see it.
India is mainly concerned with a person’s possessions during the first years of their life. What prospects a child has in the first few years of life can be seen from the child’s road.
If your baby has a wide seal (regarding the width of two fingers together) they are people with good personality, loving everything around, especially animals, growing up easily to achieve success. labour!
Illustration: Internet
Big mouth
People often criticize the wide mouth as bad but do not know the good meaning behind the wide mouth general. This concept is outdated, just a one-sided view from ancient times and it is no longer relevant in the present era.
If the child’s mouth is wide but not deviated, the lips are thick, and the teeth are even and white, it is an upright, strong character, determined to act, sooner or later it is easy to achieve success.
* Information is for reference only