With just a half-drink beer, solves many problems that every home needs

Although drinking a lot of beer is not good for health, in life beer brings a lot of benefits. You will be surprised at the benefits that beer brings.

Helps to ward off types insect

On the dining table, everyone must hate the dirty and contagious flies. There is a very simple way to keep them off your plate.

That is, you just need to put beer in a cup, cover the mouth of the glass with aluminum foil or plastic and cut a few holes in it, the scent of beer will attract flies, but when they get in, they can’t get out. Okay. From there, your food plate is safe from flies. For snails and cockroaches, you can also apply the same way.

Shine metal objects

Metal household utensils such as aluminum pans, jewelry, copper urns, etc. will be tarnished and discolored if used for a long time. But there is still a way to help you refresh all it takes for a beer.

What you do is simply put the beer in a basin, you put the metal item in it and soak it for regarding 15 minutes, rub it with a cloth and then take it out and wipe it once more, thanks to the beer’s low acidity, you’ll be sure to enjoy it. Surprised with the new shine of freshly washed items.

Refrigerator cleaning

Refrigerator used for a long time and contains many different types of fresh food will inevitably have an unpleasant odor. In this case, just using beer will help you eliminate any problems related to refrigerator cleaning.

Use a towel to wet beer, then wipe around the refrigerator, beer will help kill bacteria and even unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. refrigerator Easily.

With just a half-drink beer, solves many problems every home needs-2

Keep flowers fresh longer

Buying a fresh flower for home decoration is also a hobby of many women. Unfortunately, the flowers are beautiful, but they can’t keep their radiance for long before they wither. From here, you don’t need to worry anymore, every time you arrange flowers, put some beer in with the water to make sure your flowers will stay fresh longer.

Help clean the toilet

If you can’t stand the strong smell of harsh cleaning chemicals, try replacing it with beer. Simply pour some beer into the toilet, sink or bathtub, the areas need to be cleaned, let it soak for regarding 30 minutes, then come back with a strong brush, the stains will come off and Leave a clean toilet for your family.

With just 1 half-drink beer, solve a lot of problems every home needs-3

Use beer to marinate meat and cook

There are countless dishes that can be cooked with beer, don’t believe you can search online for sure results in less than 1 second. In addition, famous chefs also use beer to marinate meat, because beer will help soften the meat fibers and make them more flavorful following processing.

You just need to pour some beer into the meat and then leave it in the refrigerator overnight, the next day when you take out the meat to cook, you will be surprised because the taste of the meat has not changed but it makes the dish much more delicious.

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