◆ Spring of mind. Breeze Breeze Card – Day 6: Smile
‘Smile’ means ‘to laugh quietly without making a sound’. Everyone, try smiling now. And look in the mirror.
How do you feel when you see a fresh and smiling face? Just looking at it makes me feel good.
How do you feel when you see someone else’s smile? The corners of the mouth naturally rise. It also makes me smile.
The power of a smile is right here. By slightly raising the corner of the mouth, it makes me and the people around me smile.
A smile is the easiest and best way to express the compassion within you. The heart that can smile is the expression of the heart that affirms and loves oneself.
It is possible because there is altruism, a heart of generous understanding toward others. If I look at myself and the other person as a Buddha, the other person also looks at me as a Buddha.
Buddha’s smile comes to mind by itself. Shall we practice smile meditation together?
Breathe in and say it in your mind.
‘Peace in mind’
As you breathe out, say it in your mind.
‘Smile on your face’
Breathing in, ‘Peace in mind’
As you exhale, ‘smile on your face’
Keep repeating.
‘Peace in heart’ and ‘smile on face’
It is ‘smile meditation’.
How do you feel? People often think that meditation should be serious. But meditation is nothing serious and serious.
Meditation now, at this moment, ‘notice’ my look, and look at what kind of emotions I’m tangled up in. It is to make the mind light and positive.
It stays in every moment of our daily life. Meditation is living in the present moment.
Among the Breeze Breeze cards, the ‘Smile’ card represents a comfortable smile. Have you ever seen an old shriveled lemon? A wilted lemon cannot give people freshness. It’s because the fresh scent that explodes when you bite into it and the lemon juice have already evaporated.
How are you? Are you already struggling with the weight of life? You may be smiling on the outside, but you need to check if the shadow inside is not tired. I need to look at whether what I’m laughing at now is a true laugh.
The way out of a withered lemon is truly possible when I smile happily. Don’t forget that when you smile first, the other person also smiles.
As we live in the world, there are moments when we have to laugh even if we don’t want to smile. Didn’t he hurt his heart every time he smiled bitterly? You probably felt that way every time you see the world darker than bright.
Now, instead of worrying too much regarding how the world looks and what other people think, why don’t you believe in yourself and smile confidently? Your one true smile will change your inner self in a positive way.
Pamper your mind at peace, send a smile towards yourself. you are fine! you can do it! say
Today, through ‘Smile Meditation’, I hope that everyone I meet will smile first. I smile first. Now, at this moment, I can live with peace of mind as the main character of my life. Your bright smile will bring happiness to everyone you meet today.
I hope you will present a smile to the other person first. We look forward to having a day full of smiles and fresh faces. <계속>