Habits: Those who make their bed are more likely to become rich


habitsThose who make their bed would be more likely to become rich

According to an American economist, those who keep their living space in order as soon as they wake up tend to be more successful in life and earn more money.

Get up and fold up duvet and pillow or leave your bed unmade following waking up? That is the question.


To make or not to make your bed in the morning; that is the question. And the answer would be decisive to know if we will succeed in life. Indeed, according to the American socio-economist Randall Bell, who has studied successful people closely, people who are ordained from early in the morning have up to 206.8% more chance of becoming a millionaire. Just that.

In one of his books, the expert explains that “those who clean up and keep their living space more orderly tend to earn more money. It puts the mind in a productive position”. A video that includes his remarks is also currently buzzing on TikTok, spotted “20 Minuten”.

A theory that resonates with followers of the Zen attitude: “When we make our bed, we create order out of chaos. This energy carries over to our day and its many expectations”; thus estimated last May Amanda Gibby Peters, professor of feng shui according to the Cosmopolitan newspaper.

more disciplined

As a result, in Switzerland too, specialists support the idea. According to psychologist Felix Hof, the fact that people leave their bed creased in the morning clearly reveals a structural deficit. “We find ourselves in the evening in the same situation as the previous night. There is no interior storage,” he says. And he goes further: the bed is the expression of the attention that a person pays to himself.

“People who make their beds aren’t automatically more successful, but they’re probably more disciplined,” says life coach Anton Schumann. A typical discipline of “winners”, such as great athletes or CEOs, according to him.

On the other hand, for life coach Maja Bollinger, neglecting your duvet when getting out of bed can be positive. “It can also mean that we act according to our desires, that we listen to our feelings, that we are creative, instead of having a structured, rigid and repetitive daily life.” Anton Schumann agrees: “Perhaps these people have other priorities and are still happy and successful.”

Better to air than make your bed, according to immunologists

Scientifically, too, the question of making your bed in the morning has been studied. And the experts are categorical: it is better to avoid it, according to a study carried out in 2006 by researchers from the center of immunology at the University of Kingston (GB) spotted by Slate. Because putting back your duvet and pillows as soon as you wake up creates a perfect place for dust mites. These critters love the sweat and heat we produce while we sleep. If the room is also poorly ventilated, a made bed becomes an ideal nest for the 1.5 million dust mites that hide there. Corollary: risks of asthma and allergy for sensitive people. On good terms…



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