What Makes People Stick Objects Up Their Penis?

Despite being bizarre, it is not difficult to find news regarding people who, in search of sexual pleasure, decide to insert foreign objects into the urethra — this month, for example, an elderly man had his penis amputated following a metal ring got stuck inside his penis. penis. In 2022, a boy needed surgery to remove a thermometer that ended up in his bladder.

Practice is not one of the healthiest sexual experiences, as objects can obstruct blood pathways. According to urologist Jessé Lima, from Hospital Santa Marta, in Brasília, foreign bodies in the urethra can cause inflammation, hemorrhage, infection, injury and/or perforation of the urethra, prostate and bladder, ischemia (problem in blood circulation) of the penis, erectile dysfunction and organ distortion.

Episodes like that of the elderly person and the boy are identified as paraphilia. According to psychiatrist Fábio Aurélio Leite, from Hospital Santa Lúcia Norte, in Brasília, in the fetish of sexual behavior, individuals seek instruments or objects that are normally not suitable for feeling pleasure. “It gets to be something bizarre,” he says.

He says that paraphilias usually start in adolescence, when people begin to discover the body. They may be shy individuals, who have experienced religious, cultural or family repression and/or have not had access to sex education.

“Since the patient cannot easily have a normal sexual relationship with a partner, he looks for an object to try to feel some kind of pleasure. The behavior can end up becoming repetitive and really turn into something compulsive”, explains Leite. The psychiatrist classifies paraphilia as a pathology that can evolve into a compulsive disorder.

From a mental point of view, Leite recommends that the individual with paraphilia undergo psychotherapy, but states that the use of medication to stabilize behavior and prevent it from reaching the compulsive and dangerous point can be recommended. After all, it is sexual violence once morest oneself, emphasizes the psychiatrist.

Physical treatment depends on the case

The urologist Lima explains that, once the object is trapped inside the organ, the withdrawal will depend on the size of the item. “It can only be performed with local anesthesia, and it is more common to use a camera and tweezers, which are introduced into the urethra to remove the artifact”, he illustrates.

Amputation has a restricted indication and is used only in cases where there is ischemia. When larger objects are used, or in cases of infections with abscess formation (pus), tissue oxygenation can be impaired, leading to more serious problems in the organ.

sex education

Considered by professionals as the main way of preventing paraphilia, sex education gives examples to the individual of what a healthy sex life is. Education prevents the topic from becoming a taboo, allowing the subject to be discussed and patients to become aware of the dangers.

“Sexual activity is part of human life, but it is always very difficult to deal with because of a series of moral, social and religious issues. The individual ends up being influenced by a series of factors, which makes pleasure become something clandestine and more exposed to danger”, analyzes Leite.

The expert says that it is up to the school, the churches, the family, health professionals and the government to clarify the sex life to prevent adolescents from becoming vulnerable to the condition.

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