[Medical Deng talks about health preservation]How do acne and pimples form? | Deng Zhengliang | The Epoch Times

Text/Deng Zhengliang (Director of Jide Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic)

acne, is a long-term skin condition that occurs when dead skin cells and skin oil clog hair follicles.This condition includes blackheads or whiteheadsacne, oily skin and possible scarring. It primarily affects skin with a relatively high number of oil glands, including the face, upper chest, and back. Acne can lead to low self-confidence, anxiety, decreased self-esteem and, in extreme cases, depression or suicidal thoughts.

In eighty percent of cases,acneThe susceptibility is mainly genetic. The effects of diet and smoking on acne are unknown. In both sexes, androgens appear to be part of the underlying mechanism, which leads to increased sebum production. Another common factor is an overgrowth of the bacteria Cutibacterium acnes present on the skin.

Treatment for acne includes lifestyle changes, medications, and some medical procedures. Eating fewer carbohydrates such as sugar may reduce this. Treatments that are applied directly to the skin, such as azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid, are often used. Antibiotics and Acids (retinoids) are available in formulations that are applied to the skin and taken orally to treat acne. However, antibiotic treatment may develop resistance. Several types of birth control pills help prevent acne in women. Because of the greater potential for side effects, medical professionals typically reserve isotretinoin (Isotretinoin) pills for severe acne. There are also some in the medical community who advocate early and aggressive treatment to reduce the overall long-term impact on the individual.

In 2015, acne affected approximately 633 million people worldwide, making it the eighth most common disease worldwide. Acne usually occurs during adolescence and is estimated to affect 80-90% of adolescents in the Western world. Although acne becomes less common in adulthood, nearly half of those affected persist into their twenties and thirties, and a small percentage persist into their forties.

Acne can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe in severity and is limited to clogged hair follicles on the face (calledacne) and occasional inflammatory lesions were defined as mild acne. Moderate acne occurs when a greater number of inflammatory papules and pustules appear on the face and on the trunk of the body. Acne severe when nodules become characteristic facial lesions with widespread trunk involvement.

Large nodules were previously called cysts. The term nodular cyst is used to describe severe cases of inflammatory acne. True cysts are rare in acne patients, and severe nodular acne is the term that is now customary.

Rosacea is not acne, it is a unique skin condition.

Typical features of acne include increased oily sebum production in the skin, microcomedones, comedones, papules, nodules, pustules, and often result in scarring. The appearance of acne can vary depending on the skin tone. It can cause psychological and social problems.


Acne scars are caused by inflammation within the dermis and affect 95% of people with acne. Abnormal healing and skin inflammation can cause scarring. Scarring is most likely to occur with severe acne, but it can occur with any form of acne.

Depending on the type of scar, atrophic acne scars are the most common. There are also many shapes of scars, such as ice pick scars, box scars, irregular wave scars, hypertrophic scars and keloids.


After an inflamed nodular acne lesion resolves, the skin in the area can darken, known as postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. Inflammation stimulates melanocytes to produce more melanin, which can lead to darkening of the skin. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation occurs more often in people with darker skin. Usually, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can be prevented by avoiding any worsening of the nodules and can resolve over time. However, if the deeper layers of the skin are affected, untreated post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can persist for months, years, or even be permanent. Even minimal exposure to the sun can lead to hyperpigmentation. Daily use of sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher can minimize this risk. ◇

Editor in charge: Wang Yue



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