Seven habits are bad for digestion

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Von: Natalie Hull Drawbar

Digestion in the human body can be disturbed by various factors – improper nutrition is just one reason. In order to promote a healthy intestinal flora, you should avoid certain things.

1 / 7Do you also tend to fill your plate with as much food as possible? Many probably know this as a typical “all-you-can-eat” and canteen phenomenon. You’re actually not that hungry, but the portion of pasta is still larger. All the more difficult for the intestines when these quantities are eaten at once. The body needs a lot of energy to digest large portions of food – even more if it’s fatty or sugary foods. The result: feeling of fullness, belching, abdominal pain, exhaustion. It is better to satisfy your hunger with small portions throughout the day, this relieves the burden on the intestines. (Iconic image) © Serenethos/Imago
Man eats burger on the go
2 / 7Do you also belong to those who like to eat your meals quickly, under time pressure or on the go? It has been proven that people who eat quickly also chew less. This then means an additional burden for the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, since more energy has to be expended to break down the food. At the same time, when you eat quickly, you swallow air, which in turn promotes flatulence. Try to take your time with your meals and chew them consciously. After all, eating should be a pleasure. (Iconic image) © sonjachnuj/Imago
With wheat and co.: Why is whole grain the healthier choice?
3 / 7Fiber not only fills you up, it also promotes digestion by binding water and being able to move a larger volume of food through the intestines. Spelled, wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn and wholemeal flours as well as muesli with a high cereal content are high in fiber. As healthy as the grain ingredients are, in large quantities they can also put a strain on the intestines and digestion. Especially people with a sensitive intestinal flora often react to too much fiber in the gastrointestinal tract. There is increased gas formation, which causes unpleasant, painful flatulence. If you don’t drink enough water, you’re more likely to get constipated, because the fiber is harder to bind and digest. It is recommended to consume 40 grams of fiber per day, which is about three cups. Most Germans eat no more than 22 grams per day, which on average is not enough for good digestion. (Iconic image) © Christin Klose/dpa-tmn
Different kind of sausages
4 / 7Foods with a high fat content such as sausage and meat unbalance the intestinal flora and can make digestion more difficult. Anyone who regularly eats a diet that is too high in fat and sugar risks health consequences such as the development of colon cancer. According to the German Cancer Aid, the risk would increase in particular through the consumption of red meat and sausage. (Iconic image) © wsf-sh/Imago
Burnt pizza is thrown away
5 / 7Burnt food? If you think it’s not bad to eat the black parts, you’re wrong. Because burning can produce carcinogenic substances that damage the intestinal flora and can significantly increase the risk of stomach and intestinal cancer. If in doubt, it is better to avoid eating burnt food. Therefore, when cooking and roasting, make sure that food is prepared at lower temperatures and therefore longer than at too high a heat and faster. (Iconic image) © AndreyPopov/Imago
Two people clink glasses with beer mugs (symbol image).
6 / 7Although alcohol is part of a social gathering for many people, it is a real challenge for the intestines and digestion. Too much beer, schnapps and wine attack the intestinal flora. Regular and frequent consumption also increases the risk of developing colon cancer. To reduce the risk, you should not consume more than 370 milliliters of beer or 160 milliliters of wine per day, according to Apotheken Umschau. (Iconic image) © imago images / Panthermedia
Woman touches her forehead
7 / 7Stress and mental strain can have a very negative effect on digestion in the gastrointestinal tract. The consequences are often abdominal pain and cramps, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. The symptoms can be reduced or even avoided by reducing stress and targeted relaxation phases. (Iconic image) © AndreyPopov/Imago

The gut with its numerous bacteria and microorganisms has a major impact on physical and mental health. Certain lifestyle habits and factors can negatively affect the intestinal flora and digestion and sometimes have serious consequences such as Krebs or chronic inflammation have as a consequence.

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Intestinal Disorders: Ten Habits That Hurt Your Digestion

If there are too few protective bacteria in the intestine, this results in certain symptoms and diseases:

Alcohol, smoking and greasy food are just a few reasons why Darmflora and digestion become imbalanced and can lead to unpleasant symptoms or even illnesses.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

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