Roman girls’ names: historically shaped, timelessly beautiful

The Romans ruled many countries in Europe for almost a millennium. Many of their traditions have survived to this day. These include Roman first names, many of which are still popular today. while some first names were adopted one-to-one, there are others that are used today in a slightly modified form. Would you like to give your little daughter a first name that is historical but still timeless? Then Roman girl names are perfect. We have put together the most beautiful ones for you here and will also tell you something regarding their meaning.

Where do Roman girl names come from?

The basis of the Romans was the Latin language, which was common in the Roman Republic as the official language. In addition, Latin soon spread around the world as a business and trade language. It is therefore obvious that many of the Roman girls’ names also latin girl names are.

With Roman names, you can often tell from the ending whether they are suitable for girls or boys. Then Roman girls’ names usually end in -a, Roman boys’ names in -us.

And: Many of the Roman names gave information regarding the origin and the social status. But of course that is no longer the case today ????

Beautiful Roman girl names and their meanings

Now we don’t want to keep you in suspense. We have put together 20 Roman names for girls for you and tell you what they mean. Maybe there is the perfect name for your little daughter:

1. Adriana

In Roman mythology, it was the beautiful and kind Adriana who ruled over the Adriatic Sea. That’s why you can go with this beautiful girl name “the one from Adria” to translate.

2. Antonia

A very old first name that goes back to the Roman family name Antonius. In this respect, the interpretation of the female form is “the descendant of the family of the Antonians”. By the way: in the early 2000s, Antonia was one of the most popular girl names at all.

3. Aurelia

The girl’s name Aurelia is derived from the Roman word “aurel” for gold, so the meaning is “the golden one”. A great first name that never goes out of style and is still not given too often.

4. Emilia

The history of the name of Emilia goes back a long way. Their original form is Aemilia, which was one of the important patrician families in ancient Rome. Therefore you can use Emilia with “descended from the family of the Aemilians” but also with “the ambitious” interpret. In recent years, Emilia has become a regular in the Top 10 most popular first names conquered.

By the way: Here you will find 20 similar names to Emilia.

5. Fabrizio

The masculine form of Fabrizia is Fabrizius, which was a Roman surname. Here the word faber stood for “Handyman” or “smith”. Accordingly, Fabrizia can also be translated.

6. Flora/Florina

This beautiful girl name with F derives from the Latin word “floris” which translates “Flower” or “Blossoms” means. In Roman mythology, Flora is the name of the “goddess of flowers” and also stands for spring. Translated, the name means Flora “the flower” or “the blossom”.

7. Julia

It’s easy to guess, Iulia is the Roman form of Juliet. The name derives from Iulus, grandson of Venus. Iulia is the feminine form and means “from the Julier family”.

8. Juno

A great first name that is not only suitable for summer children: In Roman mythology, Juno is the Jupiter’s wifealso the Goddess of Birth and Marriage. Also the Month name June can be traced back to this mythological figure. So the meaning fits “the one born in June” nOf course especially good with daughters who are born in this summer month.

9. Laelia

As far as origin is concerned, Laelia can probably be traced back to the Roman family name Laelius. Derived from the Latin word “laevus”, you can Laelia with “the naughty one” interpret. Admittedly not very flattering, but Laelia is still nice to listen to. In addition, in South America it is said to be Orchid and butterfly species exist that bear this name.

10. Laetitia

Having your little daughter will be yours in the first place happiness and joy bring. How regarding a Roman girl name that says exactly that? Originally, Laetitia personified the Roman goddess of joy and cheerfulness.

11. Livia

Livia is the feminine form of Livy, a member of the Roman family of Liviers. At the same time, Livia is also the abbreviation of Olivia, what “the olive tree” means. A third derivation is the Latin word “bruised” with the translation “bluish” or “envious”.

12. Loretta

When you first hear it, Loretta sounds like a celebratory name. Originally, this Roman girl name comes from the word Laurentius, “the one from the city of Laurentium”. Later the name was interpreted by the word „laurus“leaving Loretta with today “the laurel wreath” is interpreted. In ancient Rome, the laurel wreath was considered a symbol of victory.

13. Lucretia

Lucretius is the name of the Roman family name from which this girl’s name came. In ancient Rome there was one “of the race of the Lucretia” native woman as beautiful and virtuous.

14. Luna

Is your little daughter born in the moonlight? Then her first name might be Luna – derived from the Roman moon goddess – look wonderful.

15. Maximiliane

This beautiful girl name with m is the feminine form of the popular boy name Maximilian. It comes from the Latin name “maximus” and means “the largest”. In the Roman Empire, Maximus was both a nickname and an honorific.

16. Petronia

Another first name that goes back to a Roman family name – in this case Petronius. It’s your choice if you literally join Petronia “from the family of the Petronians” or with “The Rock Fortresses” want to interpret.

17. Quinta

If your daughter is born in May, the Roman name Quinta might be appropriate. Because he means “born in the fifth month”. Another translation is “the fifth”, if your daughter already has four older siblings. Quinta is the feminine form of Quintus.

18. Romanian

Die Pet form of Romana just sounds cute. In both cases, the first name goes back to the city of Rome, so the meaning is simple “the Roman” reads.

19. Vittoria

Almost everyone is familiar with the Roman goddess of victory, Victoria. If you don’t sign up for the classic girl names If you can warm Victoria, you might like Vittoria. Also Vittoria means “the winner”.

20. Vivian

The first name Viviana goes back to the Roman name Vivianus. Hence the meaning “the living one” or “who loves life“.

How do you like Roman girl names?

Now of course we are curious: Did our Roman names for girls convince you? Have you perhaps even found the perfect first name for your little daughter? Maybe we forgot the greatest name too? Or are our name suggestions not your thing? Let us know what you think in the comments –

we’re happy!

We are looking forward to your opinion: x

Roman girl names didn’t convince you? Then look here:

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