France betroths Russia.. Will appeasement succeed?

News Arabia"A Russian analyst linked the French position to the crises it is suffering from because of the war, while a Ukrainian analyst warned of an invasion Moscow For Europe if it fails to support Kyiv.

A French step back

"We are not a party to the conflict with Moscow".. 3 days ago"With these words, the spokeswoman for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Anne-Claire Legendre, defined her country’s position on the Ukraine war, even with the supply of Paris To Kiev with advanced weapons, in response to consideration The Kremlin That supply states, of them FranceKyiv with advanced weapons means its involvement in the war directly.

The French Foreign Ministry’s statements were followed by a comment from the President Emmanuel Macronwho pledged to continue the dialogue with RussiaPointing out that all countries are responsible for the global order, and must contribute to preserving it and preventing escalation.

Macron’s latest assurances on this matter came during a reception held at the Elysee Palace, marking the new year in China’s lunar calendar, calling on it to play an active role in the war. Ukraine toward calm; Will Macron succeed in defusing the situation? "World War III"؟

The West understands the danger

The Russian academic in international politics, Dmitry Viktorovich, explains these French statements that the West is aware of the danger of escalation once morest Moscow, and Paris believes that it should not cut off means of communication with Russia, or try to demonize it. Given the common interests.

Viktorovic explains what he sees as reasons for France to avoid slipping into a direct confrontation with France "NATO":

• The economic situation in France is very difficult at the moment.

• The French army needs a large budget, and this is not easy now.

• Paris fears implication Washington For Europe directly in the clash with Russia.

• There is no direct European interest in anti-Russia.

• Europe as a whole, and France in particular, has realized that Washington is already depleting its arms stores "NATO"as well as widening the gap between Moscow and the West.

• Russia was able to strengthen its relations with China, India, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

Warning of the invasion of Europe

On the other hand, Musiyenko Matuzov, a specialist in international politics at the Center for Military and Strategic Research in Ukraine, considered that the French president is always outside the European and American squadron regarding the Ukrainian crisis.

While he downplays the importance of French statements rejecting escalation, Matuzov relies on the position of the rest of Europe, saying that their differences over Russia are declining and uniting around supporting Kyiv, and this was confirmed by the agreement to support Ukraine with armored vehicles and tanks.

The Ukrainian analyst added: "The entire current security of Europe depends on Putin’s withdrawal from the occupied lands of Ukraine"He warned of Russia’s invasion of Europe if he backed down from his country’s support.

Macron and guarantees

In efforts to curb escalation, Macron always talks regarding the security guarantees that must be provided to Putin in order for him to end the fighting, as Moscow demands the following:

  • Not to militarize the borders of Belarus, or to deploy Western weapons there.
  • The United States undertakes to prevent further eastward expansion.
  • Refusal to join the countries of the former USSR to the successor to NATO.
  • Prevent any military activity on the territory of Ukraine and other countries in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia.


In an interview with “Sky News Arabia”, a Russian analyst linked the French position to the crises it is suffering from due to the war, while a Ukrainian analyst warned of an invasion of Moscow For Europe if it fails to support Kyiv.

A French step back

“We are not a party to the conflict with Moscow”… 3 days ago,” said the spokeswoman for the French Foreign Ministry, Anne Claire Legendre, with these words her country’s position on the Ukraine war, even with supplies Paris To Kiev with advanced weapons, in response to consideration The Kremlin That supply states, of them FranceKyiv with advanced weapons means its involvement in the war directly.

The French Foreign Ministry’s statements were followed by a comment from the President Emmanuel Macronwho pledged to continue the dialogue with RussiaPointing out that all countries are responsible for the global order, and must contribute to preserving it and preventing escalation.

Macron’s latest assurances on this matter came during a reception held at the Elysee Palace, marking the new year in China’s lunar calendar, calling on it to play an active role in the war. Ukraine toward calm; Will Macron succeed in defusing the “Third World War”?

The West understands the danger

The Russian academic in international politics, Dmitry Viktorovich, explains these French statements that the West is aware of the danger of escalation once morest Moscow, and Paris believes that it should not cut off means of communication with Russia, or try to demonize it. Given the common interests.

Viktorovic explains what he sees as reasons for France to avoid slipping into a direct confrontation with “NATO“:

• The economic situation in France is very difficult at the moment.

• The French army needs a large budget, and this is not easy now.

• Paris fears implication Washington For Europe directly in the clash with Russia.

• There is no direct European interest in anti-Russia.

• Europe as a whole, and France in particular, has realized that Washington is already depleting NATO’s weapons stores, in addition to widening the gap between Moscow and the West.

• Russia was able to strengthen its relations with China, India, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

Warning of the invasion of Europe

On the other hand, Musiyenko Matuzov, a specialist in international politics at the Center for Military and Strategic Research in Ukraine, considered that the French president is always outside the European and American squadron regarding the Ukrainian crisis.

While he downplays the importance of French statements rejecting escalation, Matuzov relies on the position of the rest of Europe, saying that their differences over Russia are declining and uniting around supporting Kyiv, and this was confirmed by the agreement to support Ukraine with armored vehicles and tanks.

And the Ukrainian analyst added, “Europe’s current security depends entirely on Putin’s withdrawal from the occupied lands of Ukraine,” warning of Russia’s invasion of Europe in the event of his country’s withdrawal of support.

Macron and guarantees

In efforts to curb escalation, Macron always talks regarding the security guarantees that must be provided to Putin in order for him to end the fighting, as Moscow demands the following:

  • Not to militarize the borders of Belarus, or to deploy Western weapons there.
  • The United States undertakes to prevent further eastward expansion.
  • Refusal to join the countries of the former USSR to the successor to NATO.
  • Prevent any military activity on the territory of Ukraine and other countries in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia.



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