Cetes It is the safest form of investment that you can find in Mexico. If you invest 5 thousand pesos with a term of one year in direct Cetes, you would obtain 5 thousand 555 pesossince the rate of return at this time is more than 10 percent.
Nevertheless, rates of return are changingand it is possible that they will fall later, for example, if inflation decreases, the yields will also decrease, since it is very common for them to be above the inflationary percentage.
That is why If you have 5,000 pesos left over at the beginning of 2023, you can invest them in Cetesdirecto and in a year you would get 555 extra pesos. You can know this thanks to the direct Cetes calculator.
How does the direct Cetes calculator work?
Inside the page cetesdirecto.com there is an interface in which you can make the calculations of the possible amounts that someone wants to make. For example, if you want invest 100 pesos in 28 days or one million pesos in one year.
That’s not all, you can also use the calculator To know the performance that would have a investment in bonds, bondes, udibonos and bonddia.
In order to use Cetes direct, the person must be of legal age and be the holder of a bank account, as well as have their CURP, RFC and an email account.
If you want to know what the returns of an investment of 10,000 pesos in 6-month cetes would be, you can do it on the calculator. either in udibonos o cetes.