How to clean your child’s ear in a safe way at home?

I wrote – Omnia Qalawun:

Earwax is found in the outer ear canal, and plays an essential role in protecting the eardrum from germs. It also serves as a lining for the ear to protect it from water, as well as resisting the entry of dust and bacteria into the middle ear, which causes infection or other problems to the eardrum.

In the following report, The Consulto reviews safe children’s ear cleaning methods and the risks of using unsafe methods, according to the Australian Ministry of Health’s Kids health website.

Reasons to clean children’s ears

Some children suffer from an increase in the production of earwax, so there are some symptoms that appear on children and indicate the need for the child to clean the ear, as follows:

Earwax buildup.

Blocking the ear canal.

– Feeling pain.

– Feeling uncomfortable in the ear.

Effect on hearing.

Ear tightening, especially in infants and young children.

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Safe ways to clean children’s ears


The outer ear canal makes earwax all the time, so the canal will always have enough wax in it, but for most people it falls out or comes out while showering.


If you see earwax, you should wipe the outer part with a piece of cloth, but doctors do not recommend using a piece of cotton and pushing it inside the ear.

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Clean children’s ears with a piece of cotton

Using a tampon or swab is easy for personal care needs, but it should not be used to remove earwax in children. Pediatricians say that regular bathing is enough to bring earwax to normal levels.

Dangers of cleaning children’s ears

Earwax comes out of the outer ear canal into the ear opening on its own, but trying to clean a child’s ear may expose him to the following risks:

Damage to the ear canal.

Destruction of the eardrum.

The risk of infection.

Damage to the child’s hearing.

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When does earwax warrant a visit to the doctor?

The appearance of the above-mentioned symptoms of earwax accumulation in the child; Such as: itching, pain and discomfort.

Earwax buildup treatment for children

The doctors explained that the following methods should not be used at home:

Wax suction

The doctor works to get the earwax out through tools designed for that, which cause the wax to be withdrawn or suctioned.

Ear drops

The doctor places drops in the ear canal to soften and break up the earwax, or they may ask the parents to apply the drops to the child at home and then return to the doctor to remove the wax.

warm water

The doctor may use warm water to break up the excess wax.

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