Everything you need to know to cure tinnitus

Tinnitus affects who?

It can affect everyone. Half of young people aged 15-24 have already felt discomfort following a concert, clubbing or extended headphone listening. People over 65 are frequently affected because of hearing loss related to aging. Otitis, earwax, a disease of the auditory system (Ménière’s disease, damage to the auditory nerve or the inner ear) or taking certain medications can also promote the appearance oftinnitus. Result: 8 million French people live with these sons parasites that come suddenly or gradually, in one or both ears, permanently or sporadically.

Yes, sometimes they even disappear spontaneously, especially if they follow auditory trauma (music too loud, explosion…). Staying calm the following days allows the ear to recover. Same in case of’infection ORL (cold, otitis, etc.) or when an earwax plug (or a foreign body) obstructs the ear: everything should be back to normal once you are treated. This is not the case ? We consult an ENT specialist as soon as possible, because rapid treatment sometimes makes it possible toprevent tinnitus from setting in.

How to treat tinnitus?

Some treat themselves with medication or surgery. This is so-called objective tinnitus (5% of cases), which corresponds to the sound of an organ inside the body : blood circulating in the neck or the head, clicks made by certain muscles… Often pulsatile, punctuated by the beats of the heart, they are due to an anomaly of the arteries of the head or the neck, or to hypertension.

Behavioral and cognitive therapy to treat tinnitus

Behavioral therapies (CBT) improve the quality of life of people with tinnitus, according to a meta-analysis published in Cochrane. The regular practice of relaxation gradually teaches the brain to no longer pay attention to these sound intrusions. Other studies have shown that sophrology and meditation reduce the perception of tinnitusjust like physical activity, which also has valuable anxiolytic and antidepressant effects to support this disease.

  • We are wary absolute silence and earplugs. The brain has less trouble mask tinnitus when there is a slight background noise: soft music, white noise, sounds of nature…
  • We are wary of the stress that amplifies the anxiety caused by tinnitus and their perception, as well as stimulants (tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco).

Thanks to Dr Alain Londero, ENT doctor at the Georges-Pompidou European Hospital (AP-HP).



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