Mom is zealously treated with sea salt. And does not believe that such a “treatment” does not give anything but problems with the kidneys and heart

It remains a mystery to me why, with age, many people begin to believe in all sorts of nonsense. Alas, this fate did not bypass my mother, who for the last four months has been trying to treat absolutely all ailments by taking sea salt.

Although she had never been fond of anything like that before – she didn’t charge water at the TV, she didn’t make foil hats. Now just attack some! For some reason, my mother firmly believes that sea salt heals absolutely everything.

It got to the point that my eye is already starting to twitch when I see jars of sea salt in supermarkets. Although, it would seem, a useful thing – it contains iodine and something else.

But the benefit of this salt is only when you put it a little bit in food or take a bath with it. However, my mother’s situation is completely different. No matter how I come to visit my mother, she constantly absorbs grains of this salt and sentences that iodine and sodium are best absorbed in this way.

In addition, she treats colds, flu, stomach infections and other sores with this salt – at such moments she takes salt all day and does not eat anything at all. In my opinion, this is a real medieval torture, not a cure!

He also strongly advises me and my son to follow her example, which we are not going to do in principle. “That’s why you don’t take sea salt for yourself! I cure almost everything with her in one day – both colds and stomach infections. And you, with your pills, come to your senses for at least a week!”.

As for the stomach, I don’t know, maybe these viruses can’t withstand the “salt attack”, but I might argue regarding respiratory diseases. When I call my mother, and she is sick at that time, I hear her sniffling and coughing – even following her vaunted salt.

In general, from such a “treatment” there is no use, only harm! After all, following my mother started her stupid “salt therapy”, her pressure jumps became more frequent and her face began to swell.

And this means that mom has something wrong with her heart and kidneys, but she doesn’t want to admit it at all! All the time he refuses, says that this is age-related.

But following all, before my mother’s passion for sea salt, if her blood pressure increased, it happened extremely rarely, regarding once a quarter, and there were no terrifying bags under her eyes.

However, my mother claims that age-related changes can begin quite unexpectedly, but she will definitely slow them down in the near future – once more, with the help of salt.

She dug up a recipe just two weeks ago for some kind of “wonder cocktail” that, of course, contains sea salt. As expected, there was no improvement in my mother’s health in terms of health.

Even rather the opposite. When I visited her recently, all she did was rub that part of her back where, in theory, the kidneys are. Apparently, they hurt, and very noticeable.

But I constantly warn my mother that these experiments of hers will not end well! Look, doctors both say and write that you have to be careful with salt, and use it very sparingly.

And I never get tired of reading research on this topic to my mother. But she refuses to believe them! According to her, “modern medicine is sharpened only to ruin people and breed them for money.”

Although my mother never had such beliefs before! Do I need to say that now you can’t drag her to the doctors? And I honestly tried to do this many times, because I can’t look at my mother’s torment.

By the way, my last attempt to write her down for examination turned into a huge scandal. I will not hide, this is also my fault – probably, I should have acted more delicately.

I, having once once more stopped by my mother, almost from the threshold said that from her treatment with sea salt there were only troubles, and a visit even to a simple district clinic would easily prove this.

After that, I tried to write my mother to the doctor through the site, and then she tried to snatch the smartphone out of my hands and shouted that she would not even come close to this “hotbed of evil” with a cannon shot.

“I told you our medicine is mass murder! And of my own free will, I will never once more approach the hotbed of evil called the “polyclinic.” Only killers work there!”.

I had to urgently reassure my mother so that, God forbid, the pressure would not rise once more, and postpone the trip to the doctor until better times – for example, when my mother comes to her senses.

Of course, I want to speed up this beautiful moment so that it won’t be too late. In general, I have a suspicion that someone thoroughly brainwashed my mother. But who might have done this?

On TV, it seems, they don’t say such nonsense, although this is still a garbage dump. Probably some mother’s friend, a former colleague or a neighbor. I’ll never know how to figure out this pest – I’ve never been interested in my mother’s social circle and, apparently, in vain.

Or, maybe, following retirement, my mother, out of boredom, began to read dubious literature, the content of which she eventually believed? In any case, it is necessary to bring my mother out from under a bad influence unknown to me – for example, under the pretext of repairs in her apartment, which have not been done for twenty years.

I have already agreed with my husband and son that my mother will stay with us for some time. We will also find money for repairs – I am even ready to take a loan and pay it myself.

You see, under our supervision, mom will stop toiling with harmful nonsense. It remains only to persuade the mother herself. I don’t think she’ll ever turn down a fresh renovation.

In the section “Opinion of readers” materials from readers are published.



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