[알고보니] Soaring heating bills blamed on you

I know it starts.

The battle is hot due to the recent surge in heating costs.

Regarding the cause, starting from ‘the former government suppressed the rate increase’ and ‘because of the nuclear power plant policy’, there are claims that ‘it was a mistake to buy raw materials expensively from the beginning’.

Let’s check each one.

First, the price of international natural gas, the main fuel for heating, skyrocketed, claiming that the former government artificially suppressed the rate increase.

The international price of natural gas LNG has risen steeply since September 2021.

During this period, private gas rates increased four times.

The Moon Jae-in administration did not raise rates until the presidential election in March of last year, citing the burden of the common people due to Corona 19.

And right following the election, in April and May, rates were raised twice in a row.

International prices rose more in the second half of last year, peaking at $69 in September.

However, the new administration has announced plans to freeze gas rates ahead of local elections in June.

[안철수/당시 대통령직인수위원장]

“(We need to find other ways to do it, such as a temporary freeze on public utility rates such as gas rates or measures to minimize increases.”)

And following the election, rates were raised twice, in July and October.

Looking at the accounts receivable that KOGAS failed to raise, it increased by 5.1 trillion won until the second quarter of last year and by 4 trillion won until the fourth quarter to 9 trillion won.

Both the former and current governments do not seem to be free from criticism for not raising rates on time.

Claims that the heating cost bomb is due to the nuclear power plant policy.

When generating electricity, it reduces dependence on nuclear power plants and increases dependence on LNG, resulting in a rise in private gas rates.

It is true that the dependence on LNG power generation in electricity production has increased.

It increased from 26.8% to 29.2%.

However, it is reasonable to see this as ‘de-coal’, not ‘de-nuclear’.

The Moon Jae-in administration reduced coal power generation to reduce carbon and fine dust, while increasing LNG power generation instead.

Gas imports also increased.

[유승훈/서울과기대 에너지정책학과 교수]

“In the process of replacing coal with natural gas (in power generation), there are also factors that increase electricity rates…”

There is no significant change in the operation rate of nuclear power plants.

It fell from 85% in 2015 to 66% in 2018, and increased to 76% in 2021 and 81% in 2022 as the safety inspection was completed and restarted.

In fact, the amount of nuclear power generation has also increased, and the proportion of power generation has also increased.

In the first place, some claim that the former government gas corporation was at fault for buying LNG at a high price abroad.

It is said that in January of last year, we brought in 80% more expensive than Japan, but during the month of January, which is the winter season, it seems that the comparison was made including the ‘spot’ price to buy when needed.

However, KOGAS refutes that 80% of the import volume is brought in under a long-term contract of 20 years or more, and it is often cheaper than Japan depending on the point of comparison, and it is difficult to generalize because it varies depending on the season and demand.

It is difficult to make an accurate comparison because the unit price of gas imports by Korean and Japanese gas companies is not disclosed, but gas rates in Japan have risen by 64% over the past two years.

There are not just one or two variables in the gas rate hike, but there is no disagreement between the government and the ruling and opposition parties that international price increases and unusual cold waves are the main causes.

Rather than blaming ourselves for exhausting battles, we must work together to refine the energy supply and demand system to prevent a recurrence and thoroughly support the vulnerable, who are struggling right now.

It turned out that it was Jeon Joon-hong.

※ [알고보니]is a fact check corner of MBC News.

Data research: Park Ho-soo · Lim Jeong-hyeok / Director: Lee Ji-young

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