The consumption ofelectricity is now part of everyday life. Sometimes subscribers have problems when paying for the facture. It is exactly to avoid possible problems that it is now possible to know following the last regularisation and the amount of the next facture close to suppliers. This article will give you an overview of the steps to follow to estimate the amount of the EDF bill in relation to theoffer from the supplier.
The details to know for an EDF simulation
For a simulation perfect of the consumption, as well as a estimation almost reliable facture edf natural gas andelectricityit is really essential to take into consideration some points that can affect the consumption of a household.
First, you have to know what is the surface of the house as well as the number ofoccupants. Then, to determine the estimated consumption in kwhit is necessary to make a survey of each of these occupants in relation to the type and number ofelectrical appliances used per day.
To go into a bit more detail on the consumption, the following information is always requested whensubscription at theedf.
- First, is the residence primary or secondary? The people who live there tend to be present in the evenings, on weekends or all day long.
- Secondly, is there a thermostat or not, and what type of heating is used? Is it electric, gaz natural and collective or not?
- Finally, we must refer to thetariff option.
On the other hand, it is also practical to simulate the annual budget withedf in order to choose among the different offers related to tariff regulations. But above all, we must actually take into account the consumption ofelectricity annual estimated in kwh, but also know the Powerful of counter.
Free simulation methods
Many methods are possible to calculate or to to estimate the consumption d’energy EDF. A simple and quick method is enough to go to the site and follow some instructions by filling in the type of lodgingthe surface, thespacethe use ofenergythe Powerful of counterl’offer chosen or others. Following these steps, the provider EDF makes advice available to customers to optimize the facilities of the lodging and to have the minimum of prix on the facture.
For gases edfit is sufficient to have information on the annual consumption of gazthe class of consumption as well as the tariff zone. This information must be indicated on the EDF website in order to display the table which compares the offers of the suppliers and the annual budget for a subscription. By remaining in the online EDF simulation, this supplier provides its customers with the processes for faire estimated calculations.
To finish, theestimation of the invoiceelectricity can also be faire by mathematical calculations. When adopting this method, the following elements must be taken into account: the power electric of the devices used in kwh, the duration of use per hour and the number of days of use per year. Following this information, simply multiply these numbers, then divide them by 1000 and the answer in kwh multiplied in turn by the prix kWh in the rates from EDF.