The son of a rich family who smoked hemp on a prenatal trip… A father who grew hemp in a tent in his room

檢, 20 people arrested in drug scandal

Direct investigation, including confiscation of equipment that the police missed
17 people indicted, including 3rd generation Namyang Dairy & Hyosung family
Former Police Commissioner’s son and celebrity also joined
“There is also Jaebum… Severe addiction and dependence”

▲ Shin Joon-ho, head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office’s Violent Crime Investigation Department, explains the confiscated cannabis cultivation tents and equipment while announcing the results of the intensive investigation into cannabis masters involving the third generation of chaebol families and celebrities in the briefing room on the 13th floor of the Central District Prosecutor’s Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the 26th. .

The prosecution booked a large number of 2-3 year olds from conglomerates and mid-sized companies, children of former police chiefs, representatives of entertainment agencies, and singers on drug charges. They were caught smoking hemp while on a ‘prenatal trip’ with their pregnant wives, or even growing hemp in a house with minor children.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office’s Violent Crime Investigation Department (Chief Shin Joon-ho) announced on the 26th that it had booked a total of 20 people, including arrest and indictment of Mr. Lee (36), the son of the chairman of Daechang Enterprises, a mid-sized construction company, for violating the Narcotics Control Act (marijuana). Of these, 10 were arrested and indicted, 7 were indicted without detention, and 3 who fled abroad were wanted. Mr. Lee is accused of selling hemp on a total of eight occasions to Mr. Kim (36), who was arrested and indicted on the 9th. In particular, it was confirmed that there was a case in which Mr. Lee smoked marijuana even when he went on a prenatal trip abroad with his pregnant wife.

An official from the prosecution explained, “We confirmed that the addictiveness and dependence of marijuana is serious enough to commit a recidivism even though there is a history of crackdowns or punishments for past marijuana crimes.”

After being arrested and sent to the police in September of last year for the case of Mr. Kim (39), who was suspected of cultivating hemp, the prosecution confirmed that some confiscated items were missing and started a direct investigation. At the time, the police found hemp cultivation equipment at Mr. Kim’s residence, who was dispatched following receiving a report of a sex crime, but confiscated it or forwarded the case without requesting a drug evaluation for the confiscated hemp.

Prosecutors conducted an additional investigation by confiscating and searching Kim’s residence and securing messages related to marijuana sales and details of remittances. An official from the prosecution emphasized, “This is a case that proves that the prosecution’s direct investigation is necessary for a thorough and thorough drug investigation.”

In December of last year, the prosecution arrested six people, including Hong (40), the grandson of the founder of Namyang Dairy Products, Jo (39), the grandson of the founder of Hyosung Group, Im (38), a family member of JB Financial Group, and An (40), an American singer. was arrested and indicted, and three others were indicted without detention. As the prosecution’s investigation network narrowed, three people, including Kim (45), the child of the former National Police Agency Commissioner, turned themselves in, and Hong (39), the grandson of the founder of Korea Steel, was arrested and indicted.

On the 19th, the prosecution arrested and indicted Mr. Choi (43), the CEO of a small entertainment agency, while suspending the indictment of three people, including Mr. Kim (43), the grandson of the founder of Hanil Synthetic Fiber, who left overseas. An official from the prosecution said, “We will continue to thoroughly investigate the cannabis distribution offenders and focus on blocking the inflow and distribution of cannabis in Korea.”

Reporter Kang Yoon-hyeok



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