A content creator reveals the health benefits of repeating deep breathing for 5 seconds a day • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The specialist and content creator, Saud Abdul Rahman, revealed the correct way to breathe, its health benefits and how to apply it.

Abd al-Rahman said, in a video clip that he posted on his account with the “Tik Tok” application: I conducted research on breathing exercises, and more than one doctor says that if you breathe in the correct way, then you only breathe with 25% of the lung, which results in many forms of health, the most prominent of which is expelling anxiety and worry. And depression and makes your mood good, in addition to improving indigestion problems.

He pointed out: life is in breathing, especially if your body is full of oxygen, explaining: “The correct way to breathe is to breathe in through the nose, and if you put your hand on your stomach, you will feel it swell for 5 seconds, while you are pulling and holding for 5 seconds, then slowly exit from the mouth, and inhale slowly, 5 times.”

And he continued: “If you use this method to breathe for 15 minutes in the morning and evening, you will find many benefits for your body because it becomes all oxygen,” noting: “If the oxygen in your body is greater than carbon dioxide, then you live healthy and happy.”



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