Trial for the crime of Fernando Báez Sosa: the 10 key revelations during the allegations

The trial for the crime of Fernando Baez Sosa What takes place in Dolores is closer to the end every day, and while this Wednesday it entered its pleading stage, the prosecutor’s office and the victim’s family lawyer have already exposed, Fernando Burlando. Tomorrow will be the turn of the defense of the accused, Hugo Tomeiand both the rugbiers and Fernando’s parents are expected to say the last words of the trial.

It is within this framework that the phrases, revelations and accusations of this Wednesday during the trial stand out, which marked the process of a cause that had the entire society in suspense. Below is a list of them.

They ask for life imprisonment for all rugbiers

“Everyone did everything to attack and kill Fernando”the prosecutors considered Juan Manuel Davila and Gustavo Garcia when they concluded their arguments and They requested life imprisonment for the eight rugbiers accused of the crime of Fernando Báez Sosa.

The allegations in the trial for Báez Sosa: Burlando asked for life imprisonment for everyone because they planned a “manhunt”

“They are all accused equally for the crime of doubly aggravated homicide for treachery and for the premeditated competition of two or more people in an ideal contest with injuries.”Davila said.

The prosecution asks to investigate Guarino and Colazzo for false testimony

This Wednesday, prosecutor Dávila requested before the Oral Criminal Court 1 of Dolores investigate Juan Guarino and Tomás Colazzo for alleged false testimony, two friends from the group of rugby players accused of killing Fernando Báez Sosa. About them sowed doubts in their testimony as witnessessince they omitted to provide details regarding what happened while they were both at the scene. “They did not remember anything… I have no doubt that due to an omission, they lied”said the prosecutor.

Guarino had testified as a witness that saw a fight but left the place without specifying details and assured that he might not see regarding the beating. The dismissed young man maintained that rugbiers were recurrent in generating fights and that he “was tired” of that happening.

For his part, Tomas Colazzo was also in the place meters from where Fernando Báez Sosa was beaten, and although he was never charged, the suspicion is that omitted to give details regarding what happened in the place and following the facts the conversation he had with those involved. At that time, the young man was only 17 years old and was never recognized by witnesses, friends or security cameras as having participated in the crime, but he was observed in front of the Le Brique bowling alley.

Burlando identified Thomsen as the leader of the rugby players but said that “everyone murdered Fernando”

Fernando Burlando, plaintiff lawyer representing the family of Fernando Báez Sosa, stated that will ask for life imprisonment for rugbiers for manslaughter by premeditation and treachery, and that the victim was “dispossessed” when they left him beaten.

The Prosecutor’s Office requested a life sentence for the rugbiers because “everyone did everything to kill” Báez Sosa

The lawyer referred to the incident that had Maxim Thomsenwhom he considered “group leader, with Fernando Báez Sosa in the bowling alley. Báez Sosa “was shot to death,” he said.

No one can repeat from this horror tragedy the word incident”, said the lawyer, who also used the evidence of videos that were shown in the courtroom.

At 4 hours 38 minutes, Burlando said, “the ambush” began to attack Fernando and his friends. “There was a will to kill and that’s why they killed him, there was a murderous plan“, he pointed.

Burlando said that it was Ayrton Viollaz who gave the order to attack Fernando and his friends and that it was “organized”

In how the attack took place, he assured that it was Ayrton Violaz, the rugby player who “gave” the order to attack Fernando and his friends. “The previous agreement began on the sidewalk of Le Brique, seconds later, Luciano Pertossi and the defendants cross the avenue, meet and finish organize the criminal plan”.

It was “in a herd and organized” the attack on Fernando and following verifying “the absence of danger”, this is the absence of the police who went to intervene in a conflict around the bowling alley.

Who is Ayrton Viollaz, the rugby player who expected acquittal but might receive a life sentence

In addition, he established a chronology of the events: at 4:31 a.m. Fernando leaves by the stairs of Le Brique, between 4:31:27 a.m. the accused pass through an internal corridor of the nightclub through an emergency exit, at 4:32 a.m. Seconds later Lucas Pertossi is seen on the sidewalk of Le Brique, then Viollaz and other defendants, and continued like this until 4:45 a.m. when they carried out the murder.

Burlando spoke of a “liberated zone” in front of Le Brique

Mocking spoke of a “liberated zone” in front of Le Brique and that it was a “voracious butchery” carried out by “the assassins who killed Fernando”. “They had homicidal intent,” he said.

The sadness of the parents of Fernándo Báez Sosa during the allegations

Graciela and Silvino, parents of Fernando Báez Sosa, they were broken to tears when Prosecutor García detailed in the allegations the autopsy of the victim and the causes of death.

In the images obtained from the live transmission of the sentencing requests, it was possible to see when García began reading the autopsy result and there he explained the internal and external injuries suffered by the 18-year-old young man from the blows and kicks he received for part of the defendants.

The rugby players accused of murdering Fernando Báez Sosa.

The rugbiers’ lawyer said that one of the exposed videos has “a montage and an edition”

Rugby defense lawyer Hugo Tomeiquestioned that one of the videos exposed by the Prosecutor’s Office in his allegation has an “edit” and a “montage” and called it “new test”.

“I am using technical means with what we can”, The prosecutor Gustavo García responded, to which the Court said that validate the testregarding the videos shown in his plea by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The president of the Court, Claudia Castillo, indicated: “We are watching videos that we have all seen. We all know what proof is and what proof is not., and the Court is going to rule on that. The film support of the things that are said in the plea are not proof, and we all know that, and we are going to allow the video to be shown.

Why did they kidnap the cell phones of Blas Cinalli and Enzo Comelli?

The Penitentiary Service kidnapped two cell phones that were used by rugby players in the Penal de Dolores. Is regarding Blas Cinalli and Enzo Comellitwo of the most complicated defendants in the case for the crime.

It was possible to corroborate that they used cell phones to replying to messages on self-created social media accounts that “supported” the rugby players.

A few weeks ago the account had been released @rugbiers.zarate who, both on Instagram and Twitter, answered questions from other users regarding the current situation of the defendants.

In turn, many others used the place to express anger and annoyance for the creation of an account that supports the rugbiers involved in the crime of the 18-year-old. “Enough of social condemnation. Enough of the lies. Enough of the violence. Enough of hate”reads in the description of both accounts.

The Prosecutor’s Office pointed once morest the experts who questioned the autopsy

“I am not a doctor but if they gave me the task of evaluating the autopsy, the first thing I would do is call a doctor. If I have any questions, why not consult the doctor who did the autopsy,” prosecutor García claimed once morest the doctors led by Tomei, who questioned the CPR maneuvers to revive Fernando.

Tomei, regarding the rugbiers who did not speak: “Silence is also a saying”

Hugo Tomei, lawyer for the eight defendants, had a brief dialogue with the press upon arrival at the courts, was asked regarding the three rugby players who did not speak during the hearings and responded briefly: “It is a possibility that is also given by law. Silence It’s also a saying.”


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