The fastest growing application.. One of them attracted a million users in just 5 days!

gained AI Tool “ChatGPT”, The first million users just five days following its launch in November last year, according to information from the service itself.

The AI ​​chatbot, which can produce texts that resemble human writing, has been put to all sorts of uses, from writing short stories, prose, music and research papers to programming the underlying code of applications, solving math problems and doing translations.

For his part, Microsoft founder Bill Gates warned that artificial intelligence technology such as ChatGPT might replace people in “white-collar” jobs.

In turn, Microsoft confirmed yesterday an investment of millions of dollars in the American company OpenAI, maker of “ChatGPT”.

On the other hand, the German data company Statista prepared a graph, which Al viewed, on how long it took for the most popular applications on the Internet to reach the million user mark.

Instagram was among the closest to achieving this mark, with the popular social media service attracting 1 million users in just 2.5 months, as measured by app downloads.

Spotify and Dropbox also achieved the feat quickly — in five and seven months, respectively.

Experts believe that services such as ChatGPT have succeeded in reaching 1 million users very quickly due to its immediate practicality.

Aside from Instagram, social media services usually take a little longer to gain their first million users.

However, the items included in the graph were also created more than 15 years ago, which shows another development that can be gleaned from the data.

As the Internet has become more widespread over time, online services have also been able to reach users faster.

When Netflix launched as a subscription service in 1999, the one million user mark was still 3.5 years away from streaming, and at that time the movie distribution service was primarily done by mail.




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