New Delhi – Air India has said that Shankar Mishra, who urinated on a fellow passenger on a New York-Delhi Air India flight, was not given too much alcohol. Air India issued an official statement in this regard following conducting an internal investigation. The statement said that it did not appear that Mishra was drunk and therefore the staff did not think that his journey would affect safety.
The cabin crew and ground staff were allowed to return to work following undergoing counselling. A pilot and four crew members have also been suspended. According to the statement, following complaining, the cabin crew members changed their seats, gave them new clothes to wear and cleaned their belongings. Air India says that when Shankar Mishra was questioned, he remained calm and took the stand that he did not know.
Shankar Mishra, a business class passenger, urinated on the body of a female passenger during the New York-Delhi journey last November 26. Shankar, who was a top official of a multinational financial company, had lost his job following the incident.
After the complainant approached the police on January 4, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) intervened. Air India fined Rs 30 lakh for violation The license of the pilot-in-command of the plane where the incident took place was canceled for 3 months. A fine of Rs 3 lakh was also imposed on Air India’s director in flight. Air India banned Shankar Mishra from traveling for four months following he urinated on the body of a female passenger.
English Summary: Shankar Mishra was not served excess alcohol, did not look intoxicated, says Air India