‘The people’s faith in the Party’s cleansing work is great’

He believes that, the more we struggle, the more experience we have, the more valuable lessons we have, along with the ideas and directives of the General Secretary, which are systematically and collected into books such as answers, handbooks. then the Party’s fight once morest corruption and negativity will become an inevitable trend.

“New look” in the Party’s cleansing work

The goal of this difficult struggle is not only reflected in the number of Party organizations and members, but the higher goal is to regain the people’s confidence in the leadership of the Party and State. And in fact, that belief is being increasingly reinforced when the results of handling cases, embezzlement and corruption cases “no forbidden zone, no exception, no matter who that person is” are recognized. People agree and support.

Following the results of the meetings of the Central Inspection Committee or the sessions of the Central Steering Committee on anti-corruption and anti-corruption, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy – a revolutionary veteran cadre expressed his belief that very high for the Party’s anti-corruption work: “Since the model of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-corruption and Anti-Corruption under the Politburo headed by the General Secretary, the people have seen a” new look” in the work of cleaning up the Party and the team.

Because never before have the people witnessed the Party’s determination to “a large number” of cadres degrade in political ideology, corruption, negativity, violation of Party discipline and State laws. “.

Major General Nguyen Duc Huy. (Photo: Vietnamnet).

Major General Nguyen Duc Huy is a historical witness, years of dedication to the army from the war once morest the US to the fight to protect the northern border.

With one heart and one heart, following the Party, loyal to the cause of building and defending the Fatherland, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy as well as many senior cadres and party members have no other wish than a sustainable development of the country, fair and must definitely maintain the purity of the Party. Damaged and degenerate cadres must be removed from the apparatus.

“Thanks to the direction of the class, the smooth coordination between the authorities, from inspection, inspection, investigation, prosecution and trial, many “hidden” violations from many previous terms have been reported. came to light, many “no-go zones” were named regardless of who the person was or held their position. We’ve handled a lot of very important things and strengthened people’s trust. This is very exciting. “, believes Mr. Nguyen Duc Huy.

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General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong chaired the 23rd session of the Central Steering Committee on anti-corruption and anti-corruption

Many cadres and party members believe that the work of cleaning up the Party will still be arduous and complicated, so we have to do it step by step. The collective of the Politburo, the Secretariat, especially the local Steering Committees must also “light the fire evenly”, mobilizing the maximum strength, the eyes and ears of the people like headlights illuminating everywhere. , making bad embezzlement, waste, bureaucracy has no place to “hide”.

Impressed with the exemplary, “talking together with action” of the leader of our Party, Dr. Le Trung Kien – Lecturer of the Ho Chi Minh Institute and leaders of the Party (Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics) for This is the leading factor determining the success of anti-corruption and anti-corruption work in recent years.

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Dr. Le Trung Kien – Lecturer at Ho Chi Minh Institute and leaders of the Party (Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics).

“The people have great affection for the General Secretary because above all they believe in his talent, bravery, morality and integrity. Especially, his instructions and promises to voters, with people are deployed and implemented in practice.

He is a man of words and actions, linking political determination with very specific practical actions so that each cadre and party member can see his responsibilities in building and rectifying the Party, in the fight once morest and prevention. corruption. What makes people believe that the General Secretary is a person with a pure personal life, fierce in the fight once morest corruption, but also very humane, compassionate and benevolent, “said Le Trung Kien.



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