When we talk regarding lies, we usually say that they have short legs. In other words, sooner or later, it becomes clear that the concealment of the truth cannot be sustained, and it comes to light.

The lie implies an intention to deceive, because whoever pronounces it expects others to take his words as truthful. The reality is that there are those who use lies to discredit others and they do so through slander, a practice that is seen very often in our society these days.

Slander is probably the most serious type of lie. Through it, an innocent person is accused of an offense not committed in order to get some kind of benefit. It is used to destroy the other, sometimes for the mere fact that he thinks differently.

There are those who lie to get the attention of others or to have a better image of him, thus demonstrating self-image problems, low self-esteem or insecurity.

Generally, when the liar is found out, they get angry or victimize themselves to divert attention.

In the Bible there is a proverb of Solomon that says: “The Lord hates those with lying lips but he is pleased with those who act with the truth.” Proverbs chap. 12 verses 22.

It is convenient to always tell the truth even if it hurts. The truth prevents the interior deterioration of the person. Not telling the truth affects not only physically but also mentally.

The popular saying goes “in the mouth of the liar the truth becomes doubtful”. If the liar is found out he will continue to deny it until his story is no longer supported anywhere.

The difference between lying and telling the truth is that the lie binds and imprisons the one who puts it into practice, the truth frees us, bringing us freedom and happiness.

Jesus said “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”. We ask God to help us always deal with the truth. Being able to tell the truth allows us to relate more and better with the people we love through behaviors that are appropriate and correct.

May the truth, and not deception, be a reality in the society in which we live. God bless you.

*Evangelical pastor, member of Comipaz



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