List animals in danger of disappearing forever right now

1. Dolphins have no fins Also known as “giant panda” underwater. This intelligent creature is one of the most famous found in the Yangtze River, ChinaOverfishing, declining food sources, and water pollution are factors that have reduced the number of species to just 1,000-1,800.The Yangtze River dolphin, a relative of them, has been declared functionally extinct, meaning only a few individuals remain, but are unable to reproduce. 2. Mane seal The Hooded seal is a species of seal that lives in the North Atlantic Ocean. This animal is hunted a lot by humans and is currently on the verge of extinction. It is estimated that there are no more than 100 individuals left in the world. That means they Animals can disappear forever days from now.This seal has a special nasal cavity placed at the top of the head, like a hat. This cavity can inflate or deflate as they swim.In addition, this nasal cavity is also a tool for them to defend themselves, attract mates as well as a symbol to show their strength and position in the herd. 3. Tree kangaroos The kangaroo is a special arboreal species of kangaroo in the rainforests of the island of New Guinea (northeast of Australia) and the state of Queensland (Australia). They are a rather slow and clumsy species, they often live in trees, feeding mainly on leaves.Scientists believe that it is the poison in the leaves that causes them to become sluggish.Deforestation and mass hunting are reducing the number of individuals of the species animal This decreases over time. 4. Siberian Tiger Dubbed the “Lord of the Taiga Forest”, also known as the Amur tiger, the Manchu tiger.They are hunted for traditional medicine in China and sold on the black market.Problem hunting animalsmining activities, forest fires, deforestation or regulatory restrictions are the causes that threaten the number of species, which only have 400-500 in the wild.>>>Watch more videos: Amazed with the unique moves to “chase” the prey of animals.



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