Pakistan faces nationwide power outage | Thai PBS News Thai PBS News

Pakistan has experienced a massive power outage across the country. affecting a wide range of people And also occurs during the winter when the temperature in some areas drops to regarding 4 degrees, such events occur from early morning until dark. lasting more than 12 hours

There was a failure of the power grid system and resulted in a blackout. in many major cities Including Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Islamabad from 07:34 (23 January 2023) local time. And lasted for more than 12 hours continuously, Pakistanis have to navigate the dark roads and live in hardship. By relying on the light at some point caused by the generator only This was the second such incident in three months and underscored Pakistan’s weak infrastructure.

Throughout the day, millions of people were affected by the massive power outage that occurred. Especially in various hospitals where some patients have to wait outside and the hospital has to use generators continuously. While the various electric train services have to be stopped as well.

It also makes people in some areas without drinking water. because the water pump does not work same as school Businesses of various department stores have been affected accordingly. And also happens in the winter. In some areas it is expected that the temperature may drop to around 4 degrees Celsius as well.

Pakistan’s energy minister said that due to the fall in electricity demand across the country during the winter. Therefore, there is a temporary shutdown of the power generation system at night. and when turning on the machine in the morning causing changes in electrical frequency and ripple voltage or a major surge in the electric grid in the southern city of the country This affected the entire network and was the cause of the nationwide power outage that occurred.

He also stressed that the incident was not a major crisis at all. And the authorities are urgently repairing the country’s electrical system to return to normal operation once more. And it is expected that the repair will return to normal by 10:00 p.m.

Analysts and officials have blamed the aging power grid. This is a problem with most of the country’s infrastructure. that need improvement But the government said can’t afford

Pakistan has installed power generation capacity. enough for the needs But lack the resources to operate oil and gas power plants. And the sector has so much debt that it cannot afford to invest in infrastructure.

In addition, delays in obtaining financing under the International Monetary Fund (IMF) program have made Pakistan struggle to purchase fuel from abroad. The government has ordered department stores, restaurants and markets to close by 8:30 p.m. every day to conserve energy. and increasing fuel imports to ensure sufficient electricity for schools, hospitals and factories.

Pakistan suffers frequent power outages and is often blamed for mismanagement and lack of investment in infrastructure. While the previous big power outage Happened in October, which also took hours to repair.



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