Hedgehog spines and screws… “strange secrets” inside patients’ hands

fingers snaps from hand.

According to the newspaper "Daily Mail" British, Pappas said: "Once, an operation was performed to remove sea urchin spines from a patient’s hand, and the spines were even embedded in them bone".

He added that one of the most difficult injuries is caused by the high pressure of the pistols that are used to spray paint on the walls, as the high pressure may cause the paint to reflect on the agent and penetrate the skin.

He pointed out that this surgical case is an emergency because the paint is very toxic and can lead to serious complications Hand amputation all of which.

As for gunshot wounds, Pappas said that the bullet that lodges in bone It does not move, it is monitored, and if it remains unchanged, it is not removed by surgery, but if it moves, it is dangerous and must be intervened immediately.

added: "Some of the devices we put in allow people to start using limbs right away, Technology It has come a long way in this field".


Pappas said he removed screws, hedgehog spines, sewing needles and fish hooks, in addition to the rare cases in which he dealt with removal operations. fingers snaps from hand.

According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, Pappas said: “Once, I had an operation to remove the spines of a sea urchin from the hand of a patient, and the spines were embedded in it until bone“.

He added that one of the most difficult injuries is caused by the high pressure of the pistols that are used to spray paint on the walls, as the high pressure may cause the paint to reflect on the agent and penetrate the skin.

He pointed out that this surgical case is an emergency because the paint is very toxic and can lead to serious complications Hand amputation all of which.

As for gunshot wounds, Pappas said that the bullet that lodges in bone It does not move, it is monitored, and if it remains unchanged, it is not removed by surgery, but if it moves, it is dangerous and must be intervened immediately.

“Some of the devices we’re putting in allow people to start using limbs right away,” he added. Technology I’ve come a long way in this field.”



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