“Plea for a decadent France” and delivered to Algerian blackmail

By Hassan Alaoui

Forgive me for borrowing the title of a great book by Raymond Aron written in 1977 and bearing this premonitory title. He invites us to a reminiscence, that of the comparative era which predominates and imposes itself today. When the dear professor of the College de France wrote his book, Europe was paradoxically and substantially in a state of construction, Giscard d’Estaing then President of the French Republic playing a preponderant role in it..

Raymond Aron, to whom I owe a lot, threw the following sentence like a stone in the pond: “ Bolshevik prophetism continues to exert an influence which resists all the denials of reason and experience. ! Lapidary no doubt, the statement still sounds like a tocsin today, because the new Europe, baptized European Union, bringing together a motley body of twenty-seven countries, ununited in name only, as divided as a jigsaw can be, disunited in a leopard skin pattern and, all in all, fundamentally incoherent. A football match between France and Croatia, in its rudimentary image, is subject to identity division…

The leader of a game of European massacre which does not say its name but which is looming, for sure on the horizon, is obviously this French president, Emmanuel Macron, not to name him, who will be judged on its actions, its contradictions, its inperformances, its biases, its illusions and all this dangerous game which gives us every day the real measure of a France turned into derision, poured into cynicism. In 2018, French public applauded wildly for this five-year term heralding a new vision, embodied by this New March and young profiles embodied by young people, deputies and ministers, and a president who chose the symbol – in particular this triumphal march of the Invalides – and the unpublished word. But who, with Jupiterian arrogance on the front, ended up confusing everyone, from France and Navarre…

Read also: European Parliament: the vociferous voice, null and void of the Algerian paid workers

Nothing is less certain than this illusion of a European Union, fabricated in Maastricht one fine morning by a show of hands on 1is November 1993 in Maastricht, followed by a Virtuous Declaration and the adoption of an act of faith. The European Union defended democracy, freedom, progress and, in foreign policy, good neighborliness and partnership with neighboring countries, those of the Mediterranean in particular, including Morocco, which was granted the famous Advanced status…in other words the expression of recognition for its undeniable democratic advances, its anchoring in modernity and, no one will underline it more than the Europeans themselves, the defense of human rights.

Because this is the subject now, Algeria lived under the regime of a bloody dictatorship, in a ” black decade “, marked by at least 200,000 dead, murdered all the time by generals who, as cruel as it may seem, defied justice and returned to power and powers in defiance of the law and ethics, as if nothing had happened… All over the world, journalists are subject to pressure, imprisoned, imprisoned, in Algeria even more than in any other State. The Stalinist deputies of the European Union, flared in their mediocre turpitude, allow themselves to be intoxicated by the blinding alignment once morest Morocco. They echo a certain opinion of certain governments which, oil and gas oblige, are henceforth placed, unworthy and mediocre, under the pressure of the government of Algeria which is playing the oil and gas blackmail card. Is it a coincidence that a French politician and not the least expresses his concern and knowingly mentions ” the smell of Algerian gas speaking of the vote of the European Parliament, tainted and even rotten.

We sniff it, we even soak up this deleterious scent that has become a strategic weapon, causing the European Union to bend. A former leader of the French Communist Party, a great emblematic figure of the left, Jacques Duclos, not to name him, denounced those who sold their souls, his remarks coming today at the right time as this rat race called the European Parliament is delivered to this unworthy Algerian blackmail. The leader is France, is a president who has transformed his power of seduction into a machine of repulsion and confusion.



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