The mother-in-law constantly climbs arm in arm with her advice about the child. Progress has stepped far forward, and she, with her Middle Ages, is still rushing

My mother-in-law is an expert in all areas of life. Well, that’s what she thinks. If she does not benefit anyone with her wisdom, then at night she cannot sleep, tossing and turning from side to side.

By status, I am supposed to listen to all her philosophies, but I don’t know life, but my mother-in-law lived her life, raised her children.

Here on the topic of children, we especially often have scandals with her. I’m already just tired of being patient and silent, because the mother-in-law cannot just give advice and calm down, she needs to insist that I immediately run to fulfill it.

Moreover, most of her advice is a mossy story, no one has been doing this for a long time, there is no need for this, but the mother-in-law considers it exclusively correct, only her opinion.

She began to get me when I was still pregnant. She found out that there would be a child, came to me with some kind of dirty notebook, which is older than me, and began to give advice.

You need to walk so much, eat only this and that, drink decoctions of these herbs and do these exercises. It seems that we live in the forest, where there is no way to go to the doctor, buy vitamins and sign up for special classes for pregnant women.

Moreover, some of her advice made my leading gynecologist clutch at his head. I had an increased tone, and my mother-in-law climbs with her dill decoction.

– Don’t invent it, it can’t hurt, it’s traditional medicine! I drank it both pregnancies, everything was fine! – With her hands on her hips, the omniscient mother-in-law declared to me.

The same was true for physical activity. I was in storage twice, the doctor categorically forbade me even to go up to my fourth floor without an elevator, well, or with very long stops, but my mother-in-law stands her ground.

– I was pregnant and dug potatoes, and weeded carrots, then I twisted cans for another week, nothing happened to me. But I was not blown away, like some!

And I was blown away by the drugs that I had to take to maintain the pregnancy. But there was no point or desire to explain something to the mother-in-law.

She annoyed me so much that when she appeared, my body developed a persistent dislike, expressed in heartburn. Seriously. It is worth the mother-in-law to come, as the attack begins.

When the baby was born, things got even worse. After I was discharged, I howled because my husband’s mother took a vacation to help me, although the last thing I wanted was to see her next to me all day.

No, you have to come, and then all day long itching over my ear that I’m doing everything wrong. And I give the baby the wrong breast – there will be a bad bite, and the diapers must be manually washed with laundry soap, and boiled more, and then ironed on both sides.

It is impossible for the child to be without diapers for a long time – the legs will be crooked, it is necessary to swaddle so that the baby cannot twitch.

And it is also necessary to cover the child’s face with a napkin when you take it out of the house, so that strangers do not see it before baptism and do not damage the baby.

I myself urgently need to eat vegetables and fruits, but I can’t eat meat – the milk will burn out. In an apartment with a child, you can’t use a microwave, TV and telephone, this is all radiation.

If the child is crying, do not run to him, let him scream, the lungs will be better developed, and the child will be healthier. And the child must be wrapped up in a hundred layers, because the children are constantly cold.

An open window is horror, the first enemy. Don’t wash your whole house with bleach every day? You are a terrible mother, you will kill a child, you will grow up with an allergy sufferer.

All this later “wisdom” has already been discussed a hundred times with doctors, everyone unanimously repeats that the mother-in-law is talking nonsense.

– Well, yes, of course, the mother is a fool, she doesn’t know anything, she grew up behind the stove, I slurp cabbage soup!

This, dear mother-in-law, I didn’t say, but how exactly did you notice!

In the section “Opinion of readers” materials from readers are published.



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