HRT forms task force to eliminate cataract surgery queue

The task force’s team of surgeons is comprised of three cataract surgery specialists and three auxiliary surgeons.

The Taguatinga Regional Hospital (HRT) started a task force to reset the waiting list of 300 patients waiting to be operated on for cataracts. On average, the hospital performs 25 surgeries monthly. Now with the mutirão, the average should increase to 40 in January and 80 from February.

“As an ophthalmologist, I have always dreamed of seeing the cataract surgery queue zeroed out. Since I took over the management of the hospital, I have worked to make this possible”, said HRT director José Alberto Aguiar.

Surgeries are scheduled to take place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at night. The team of surgeons on the task force, which began this Friday (20), is made up of three specialists in cataract surgery, three auxiliary surgeons, as well as nurses and technicians. Patients are people over 60 years of age, the age group in which people begin to be diagnosed with the disease.

“Cataract is a disease that causes vision loss and, with that, takes away the person’s ability to work. Surgery is important to restore autonomy”, explained the director of HRT. The disease is a degenerative process of the crystalline lens, the transparent natural lens that we have inside the eye. Over time, or due to some illnesses, this lens begins to become cloudy, impairing vision and possibly leading to blindness.

Vitorino Nascimento, 69 years old, was one of the people operated on the first day of the task force’s work. The cataract already affects both eyes, and the right view is more compromised. He has been on the regulatory queue for four months.

“I can barely see out of my right eye. My case is picturesque because I developed cataracts as a sequel to covid, a disease that left me in a coma for four months, ”she reports. Vitorino, who can barely see out of his right eye, said he was looking forward to the result. “Even my blood pressure rose from so much anxiety. I am very happy ”, he stressed, as he was prepared to be taken to the operating room.

Maria de Fátima Rocha, 64, ended this Friday a year and a half wait for the surgery. Like Vitorino, Maria de Fátima’s vision with her right eye is more compromised. “I am very happy to be here for the operation”, she summarized.


The information is from the Brasilia Agency.



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