Methods of preventing poisoning and drinking alcohol on Tet holiday | Medican

Drinking alcohol on Tet holiday or at any time can cause damage to stomach ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver. (Photo: PV/Vietnam+)

Alcohol is the direct cause of at least 30 diseases and the indirect cause of 200 diseases and injuries. Many people believe that on New Year’s Day, meeting and inviting each other to drink some wine to wish good health is a joy. However, drinking a lot of alcohol, especially forcing each other to drink, is not a “culture” feature and is completely unhealthy.

How much wine and beer is enough?

At the poison control and emergency centers of hospitals at the time of Tet and festive seasons, many cases were recorded alcohol poisoning, methanol industrial alcohol poisoning. Notably, there are many cases of death due to drinking alcohol of unknown origin.

Dr. Nguyen Trung Nguyen – The director of the Poison Control Center (Bach Mai Hospital) said that this unit has received many cases of methanol poisoning for treatment, most of which are in serious condition and many have died.

[Cấp cứu bệnh nhân thập tử nhất sinh do ngộ độc methanol khi uống rượu]

According to experts, Drink alcohol on Tet holiday or at any time can cause damage to stomach ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, etc. In addition, drinking alcohol also affects behavioral and cognitive disorders, causing disruptive behaviors or traffic accidents. Therefore, drinking alcohol in general should be limited, should not be too happy to drink continuously for many days.

Dr. Truong Hong Son – The Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine said that in case of having to drink alcohol, it is best not to use more than 2 units of alcohol per day for men, 1 unit of alcohol for women and no more than 5 days a week.

Accordingly, 1 unit of alcohol is equivalent to regarding 3⁄4 bottles or cans of beer with a capacity of 330ml (5%), 1 cup of draft beer 330ml (Beer contains 1-12% alcohol depending on the type, usually around 5%). Low-alcohol beer (or non-alcoholic beer) usually has an alcohol content of 0.05 – 1.2%), 1 glass of 100ml wine (13.5%) or 1 cup of 30ml brandy (40%).

On Tet, many people often give each other soaked wine. According to statistics of the Ministry of Health, the cause of poisoning from white wine of unknown origin accounts for regarding 42%; alcohol soaked “medicine” plants accounted for regarding 36%; wine soaked with animals and viscera, such as: earth bees, geckos, animal honey of all kinds… This is a warning for those who have a hobby of drinking pickled wine of unknown origin.

According to Dr. Son, in traditional medicine, many types of roots and tubers of forest trees have very good healing effects when used by people with professional knowledge and in the right dosage and manner. However, if people do not know the effect of each type of tree root, forest tree or even animals, people absolutely cannot use it to soak alcohol, drink, or process it as food. Because if used in the wrong way or in the right dose, it can be toxic to nerves, heart, respiratory and even life-threatening.

In fact, many families soak the pomelo wine with their whole body and hair on, which is very dangerous. With live carnivores such as snakes, frogs, frogs, the fur and belly of this animal contain many parasites. Using these animals to soak alcohol with their feathers in their wings increases the risk of bacterial and parasitic infections in the body. When soaking, the ingredients need to be processed carefully and hygienically, removing parts such as viscera, feathers with animals such as morning glory, gecko need to be cooked before soaking. Cleaning is not only safe and hygienic, but also helps the soaked wine to have a pleasant aroma, not fishy, ​​shortening the soaking time so that medicinal herbs can be used faster.

How to cure alcohol?

Dr. Nguyen Trung Nguyen advises that people with severe and dangerous symptoms following drinking alcohol should be taken to the emergency room when there are signs of: Unconsciousness, unknown call, convulsion; numbness, weakness in one limb or side of the face, slurred speech while awake; wheezing, sputum stagnation in the mouth and throat, weak cough; weak breathing, irregular breathing, slow or stopped breathing; can take deep breaths and fast breathing; pale or cold skin, lips, or nails; blurred vision, seeing an object in two; vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, fatigue…

But the style of the book, the first day of Tet picture 2Dr. Nguyen Trung Nguyen, Director of the Poison Control Center – Bach Mai Hospital. (Photo: PV/Vietnam+)

According to experts, during Tet holidays, the amount of alcohol and beer absorbed more than usual makes the liver not able to produce enough enzymes to metabolize alcohol. At this time, the toxins created from alcohol and beer will be stagnant in the body, directly destroying liver cells and toxic to many internal organs, making the body tired, headache, nausea … even You can even be hospitalized due to high liver enzymes, acute hepatitis, liver failure…

Not only during Tet, drinking alcohol and beer for a long time can lead to alcoholism, weight loss, loss of appetite, digestive disorders due to liver and intestinal damage, especially liver degeneration, cirrhosis leading to liver cancer .

Home remedies for alcohol withdrawal include:

Drink filtered water: Filtered water helps to replace the lost water and dilutes the blood alcohol concentration to help you get drunk. Do not use carbonated drinks or soda water because these drinks will increase the carbon dioxide content in the stomach and small intestine, increasing the risk of poisoning for the body.

Ginger juice: Ginger has a hot taste that makes blood vessels circulate better, thereby quickly dissolving alcohol in the body. You can add a teaspoon of honey to hot ginger water for quick absorption and help relieve hangovers.

Lemon juice, orange juice: Lemons and oranges contain high levels of vitamin C, which helps reduce hangovers and refreshes the body. In addition, when drunk, often leads to thirst, so drinking lemon juice and orange juice helps quench thirst effectively.

Bread, cereals: Bread contains a large amount of carbon that acts as a filter in the body to help absorb all alcohol, effectively preventing drunkenness. Plus, wholegrain breads and cereals are packed with vitamin B1 – which helps curb hangover symptoms.

White porridge: Porridge is an easy-to-cook, easy-to-eat and absorbable dish that is very suitable for people who are drunk. In addition, rice also contains carbon, capable of absorbing alcohol in alcohol.

To ensure health during the traditional New Year and Spring Festival days, the Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health) recommends for people who drink alcohol:

Try to control the amount of drinking to the lowest risk in one drink.

Should drink slowly, combine eating and drinking, alternating with filtered water.

Must drink wine, beer of clear origin, quality assurance.

After drinking, do not participate in outdoor activities or in dangerous and unsafe places because it is easy to fall, collision, injury …

Never drive a vehicle following drinking alcohol.

Thuy Giang (Vietnam+)



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