leaked a Flashback and three Honorable Mentions that could be free

Friday of a lot of content in FIFA 23 for the start of the Team of the Year event. The forwards already appear in envelopeswe have TOTY Icons, un free to play y Sergio Ramos in SBC. But it seems that we will see another TOTY Flashback because, according to @FootSheriff, Paul Pogba would receive that kind of special version (although it doesn’t show expected stats).

Also, @Fut_scoredboard he showed a series of packs that would have been added to the game (in fact some have already appeared). And he calls attention that one of them (“Honorable Mentions Mystery Pack Bundle”) would include three Honorable Mention players. They would be Martinez, Doan and Ounahi; along with a Draft token and a coin boost.

Will they be free cards for FIFA 23?

Martínez might be Lisandro or Emiliano, we assume that he would be the goalkeeper but it is not clear. Although the name of the pack is striking, because We’ve already seen several “mystery envelopes” recently. Occurred in Winter Wildcards and included the free letters from Jonathan Clauss and Darren Randolph.

For what happened at the FIFA 23 Winterfest, It doesn’t seem crazy to think that this pack might be free to play. It is something that the leaker does not comment on, but that we assume. But we think it would be reasonable.

This card and Randolph Winter Wildcards both appeared in Mystery Packs, so we might see something similar in TOTYs with player annotations.

Possible new Icon pack secured with media restriction

Among the envelopes shown by @Fut_scoredboard we also found a Medium, Prime or World Icon Pack +88. So it would be like the one we saw last week (arrived on january 9), but adding the possibility of Prime versions coming out. And he doesn’t comment on how it might be available, but it’s content that fits as an SBC. Maybe we’ll see it in the next few days.

Tweets with the leaks



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