Medicines needed for children when returning home, traveling on Tet holiday

– Antiallergic drugs.

For babies with special medical conditions, parents need to carefully consult a doctor to prepare properly and avoid waste.

Some common childhood diseases in spring

– Food poisoning

Symptoms: Abdominal pain, vomiting repeatedly, diarrhea 1-6 hours following eating, fatigue.

At this time, it is necessary for the baby to lie down, have a snack, and drink an electrolyte solution to rehydrate due to diarrhea causing dehydration. Take the child to the hospital for examination and treatment if the disease does not show signs of improvement.

– Flu

Cold weather weakens a child’s immune system. On New Year’s Day, children are often taken to crowded places, so they are easily infected with flu from strangers. Influenza causes children to have sneezing, runny nose, cough and high fever, fatigue and loss of appetite.

At this time, parents need to make sure their children get more sleep, choose a nutritious menu to help increase their resistance. Avoid giving your baby oily foods, replace them with soft, easy-to-digest and nutritious foods such as fruits, soups, etc. Take your child to the doctor if the child has a high fever and the illness takes a long time to heal.

– Allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma

In the spring, pollen is abundant, this is an important factor causing respiratory allergy symptoms such as allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma.

Allergic rhinitis usually presents with itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose; Bronchial asthma usually presents with wheezing, stridor, and difficulty breathing.

– Chicken pox

Spring is the time when many children get chickenpox, the disease spreads easily, so it is easy to cause epidemics in the community. Chickenpox usually manifests as blisters floating all over the body including mucosal areas such as the mouth and anus. The disease usually resolves on its own following 7-10 days, but in some cases, especially for young children, chickenpox can be superinfected, causing sepsis or invasion of the central nervous system.

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