Major cleaning in Viennese water tank –


There are currently 29 water tanks in operation in Vienna. Two more are located outside in Lower Austria. A major cleaning operation is currently taking place in the most impressive tank of the Viennese water supply in Neusiedl am Steinfeld (Lower Austria).

Water tanks play an important role in Vienna’s water supply. A total of 1.6 billion liters of drinking water are stored in them. That is roughly the amount that Viennese consume in four days. The largest Viennese water tank is in Neusiedl am Steinfeld.

Without using pumps

It holds around 600 million liters. This corresponds to an area of ​​ten football pitches that are filled ten meters high. This makes the tank one of the largest water tanks in Central Europe. The location also makes it something special: During construction, the container was integrated into the gradient of the first high spring pipeline. The water therefore flows through all four water chambers of the tank and on to Vienna – without the use of pumps.

Photo series with 3 pictures


Cleaning the water tank - Neusiedl am Steinfeld.


StR Jürgen Czernohorszky and Paul Hellmeier, head of Wiener Wasser, inspect the cleaning of the water tank in Neusiedl am Steinfeld.


water supply interrupted

“With the construction of the water tank in the 1950s, the City of Vienna made the first major investment in the city’s security of supply. The high storage volume will be expanded by renovating and expanding water tanks. This will allow us to respond optimally to changes in water consumption in the future,” said City Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky (SPÖ) during a visit.

The water tank in Neusiedl am Steinfeld consists of four water chambers that are connected by a 307 meter long pipe channel. The ceiling of each chamber is supported by 288 reinforced concrete columns. One of the four chambers is currently undergoing extensive cleaning. To do this, the water supply to the chamber was interrupted and the water level was largely lowered by normal consumption.

Reserve for increased water demand

During cleaning, fine sediment is removed from the bottom of the chamber. The finest mineral particles settle over time and are hygienically safe. After the fine sediment has been removed, the chamber is flushed with water hoses. Walls, pillars and floor are cleaned solely by the water pressure. The condition of the building fabric is also checked. Any damage will be repaired. The water chamber is then put back into operation.

“Water tanks ensure that the water pressure is constant and that there is always enough water. Due to the high storage volume, Wiener Wasser can create a balance between the available water volume in the headwaters and the current water consumption in Vienna. The water tanks thus offer an important reserve for times of increased water demand,” explained Paul Hellmeier, Managing Director of Wiener Wasser.



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