James Soong: Taiwan cannot be absent from the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation | Zaobao

James Soong, chairman of Taiwan’s People First Party, visited Guangzhou and said that in the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Taiwan cannot be absent and must participate in it. Taiwan is also qualified to share the same results.

According to a report from Nanfang.com on Thursday (January 19), Soong Chuyu went to Fujian in December last year, and then attended the symposium held in Guangzhou on December 28 to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the opening of cross-strait exchanges as a keynote speaker. On January 16 this year, he made the above statement when he was interviewed by Nanfang Press in Zhuhai.

James Soong said that his visit to mainland China this time is to further understand the current policies of the mainland, including how to cooperate with Taiwan in terms of economy and how to deal with the current situation in Taiwan. You have to understand it first, and then you can resolve it. I hope to make some contributions to the peaceful development of the cross-strait in the New Year.

James Soong said at a symposium commemorating the 35th anniversary of cross-strait exchanges in Guangdong that “the bargaining chip for cross-strait relations should be in the hands of the Chinese themselves.”

In this regard, he explained that in the past few decades, it is undeniable that the United States has played a certain role in cross-strait relations. However, as the mainland has developed, it can be seen that the balance of cross-strait relations has gradually tilted towards the mainland. Therefore, at this time, we should be more confident, “The bargaining chips for cross-strait relations should be in the hands of us Chinese themselves.” “We solve this problem by ourselves. This is “a family on both sides of the strait”. One family does not speak two different languages, so we can resolve some past misunderstandings between us.” More importantly, we need to further understand what the other party really insists on. Principles, positions and beliefs.

James Soong pointed out that in the context of the United States taking various measures to contain the development of mainland China, Taiwan has increasingly become a pawn for the United States to suppress the mainland. For example, a recent cross-strait military push report made by an American organization pointed out that once the two sides fight, the United States will join the war, and the result of the military push is that Taiwan will eventually be turned into ruins. Is this report intended to be sold to Taiwanese? People in Taiwan are not fools, “If I want to become ruins, have no industry, no electricity, can I continue to live?” Therefore, this report made the people of Taiwan gradually realize: “Peace is our best interest.” .

He stressed that the United States will not sacrifice American interests for Taiwan. The future of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait must be in the hands of the Chinese themselves, and the tone and principles of peaceful development should be used to promote exchanges between the two sides and jointly create an opportunity for a great national rejuvenation.

James Soong said that there are two important issues in the spiritual harmony between the two sides of the strait. The first is to recognize that the two sides of the strait are brothers and one family, have a common blood, and have a common Chinese culture; the second is that the two sides must work together, and that reunification is the goal, peace is the principle, and the forces of “Taiwan independence” and external forces cannot be crossed. These two red lines.

As the promoter and historical witness of the “1992 Consensus”, James Soong said that the “1992 Consensus” has two most important axes: both sides insist on one China, and both sides pursue national unity. Taiwan’s highest legal norm describes the current situation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait as “before national reunification.” It can be said that “one China” is the principle and “unification” is the goal. This is recognized. At present, there may be no timetable for reunification, but reunification must have a sense of direction, and even more milestones, to move forward step by step. The Chinese people themselves grasp the principles and basic direction of the future development of the two sides of the strait. The two sides are mutually beneficial and complementary to create peace, opportunities and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.



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