Protests intensify in Peru: a building is set on fire near the iconic San Martín square in Lima | International

A large fire devastated this Thursday a mansion in the historic center of Lima, just a few meters from the iconic Plaza San Martín, epicenter of anti-government protests in the Peruvian capital.

During hours, the demonstrators confronted the Police deployed in the area and forced them back until they withdrew from Plaza San Martín, when the flames began to destroy the building, still unidentified, in a sector with many historic houses built in part with wood.

While the clashes increased on the nearby La Colmena avenue, it was seen that the flames began to appear on the roof of the large building house located a few meters from the square, which led to the deployment of the Police and members of health to attend to the emergency.

Units from the volunteer fire stations located a few meters from the scene quickly arrived.
among them a large telescopic scale, which began to fight the fire.

The general commander of the fire brigade, Luis Ponce La Jara, told the network America Television that “originally it is an empty building”, but said that it proceeded to “evacuate the neighbors to prevent a greater misfortune from occurring.”

“It is a historic building and the construction material is thatch (an old cane or bamboo framework covered with mud), they are quickly flammable”, he pointed.

Ponce La Jara urged the demonstrators protesting in the historic center to liberate the area and give way to their units to put out the large fire.

“We ask the public to support us, (to) let our support units pass” from other companies in Lima, said.

The fire chief added that they are “at work” and have not yet verified “if there are people who have suffered a mishap”, although local media showed images of residents rushing out of neighboring buildings with personal belongings.



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