Unfortunately, the term detox has become synonymous with a crash diet, or so-called detox diet, following binging on food or alcohol during the holidays or weekends.
A detox regime in the new year can do more harm than good. There are harsh diets that rely on vegetable and fruit juices to get rid of toxins. Recent scientific studies have proven that these diets are not only a waste of time and money, but also negatively affect the health of the body and its organs.
Nutritionist Dalia Harb calls for a review of these types of diets. The body has an internal system to get rid of toxins. The liver plays an important role in detoxification, as it breaks down these toxic by-products so they can be filtered through the kidneys. It also helps our bodies get rid of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and bad cholesterol, and helps regulate body hormones.
Simultaneously, the kidneys filter waste and toxic substances such as drug by-products and harmful chemicals from our bodies. In addition, the kidneys maintain the body’s homeostasis by regulating and adjusting fluids, in addition to maintaining the body’s pH balance, allowing cells to perform their functions, and regulating blood pressure.
The digestive system also plays many roles in detoxification as the intestinal tract helps to expel toxins through bowel movements; This requires maintaining gut health by eating enough fiber. We should not lose sight of the fact that a healthy digestive system supports good gut bacteria, while helping to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast.
Does the lymphatic system have a role? According to Harb, “This system plays a major role in detoxification, and its main function is to transport white blood cells (lymphocytes) that help fight infections and protect once morest harmful toxins.
The respiratory system does its part to help keep particles such as dust and dirt out of our lungs through the tiny hairs on the inside of the nose. As for the skin, as the largest organ in the body, it creates A barrier that protects us from bacteria, viruses and chemical toxins that should not enter our bodies. The skin is characterized by the process of detoxification through the mechanism of sweating. Although the liver and kidneys detoxify, they are not always able to eliminate all toxins. When the body sweats, the skin can get rid of toxins such as heavy metals.
How do we get rid of toxins from the body naturally?
It is true that the body detoxifies on its own, but we can still support it daily to keep it functioning. Instead of going on crash diets, Harb recommends focusing on nutritional practices and a daily lifestyle that naturally supports the body’s detoxification pathways.
First you have to focus on food
Eating a balanced diet rich in super foods is the healthiest way to help nourish the organs. Focus on a moderate diet rich in complex carbohydrates (grains, brown rice, bulgur, quinoa, lentils…), healthy fats (lean, non-fat and processed meat, skinless chicken, fish, seeds, and raw nuts) and proteins.
You should also eat foods rich in antioxidants and fiber while reducing excess sugar (replacing it with natural honey or molasses) and processed foods. High-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, lentils, nuts and seeds can also help support proper digestion and reduce bowel movements i.e. detoxification.
Scientific research has proven a link between consuming foods and drinks rich in sugar and poor liver function. Limiting foods that contain added sugars, preservatives, and other ingredients that distract the liver from its normal function can help support the detoxification process.
Second: hydration
Your body is made up of 70 percent water. If the body is not properly hydrated, it is impossible for your body to function optimally. This includes the detoxification process.
Being adequately hydrated helps flush out toxins through the kidneys, which excrete them through urine, and removes cell-damaging by-products, such as urea and carbon dioxide, from the bloodstream.
Third: sports
Moving the body daily is a great way to increase lymph circulation and get rid of toxins from the body. It includes walking, yoga and other types of sports. In addition, intense exercise promotes the excretion of toxins through sweating.