FDP threatens Habeck with coalition break because of announced “electricity rationing” | politics

The FDP threatens the Greens and the SPD with breaking the coalition!

“We will not go along the path to de-industrialization!” Said the energy policy spokesman for the FDP, Michael Kruse (39), to BILD when asked whether the dispute over electricity bottlenecks might blow up the traffic light alliance.

Background: The FDP has doubts regarding a report on security of supply and the feasibility of the energy transition without coal and nuclear power, commissioned by Economics Minister Robert Habeck (53, Greens).

Then: Electricity generation in Germany is stagnating (2022: 506.8 terawatt hours, 2021: 505.0). And with the end of nuclear power plants and coal, there are massive outages that are to be offset by the expansion of renewable energies.

But here, too, Germany is lagging behind its goals. The boom in e-cars, heat pumps and solar cells is already pushing many power grids to their performance limits.

Kruse: “My confidence in the network stability is sinking.”

Habeck cancels energy talks

There is a huge bang between the traffic light parties on energy issues!

According to BILD information, the last two energy policy rounds of talks in the Bundestag were canceled at short notice by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Breaking: Klaus Müller, President of the Federal Network Agency, had announced to the FAZ that electricity purchases might soon be rationed in an emergency. Kruse outraged: “Electricity rationing makes Germany a developing country in terms of energy policy.”

Electricity rationing makes Germany a developing country in terms of energy policy

Kruse said indignantly to statements by Klaus Müller: “Electricity rationing makes Germany a developing country in terms of energy policy. I think the proposals made by the President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, to limit the quantities of electricity customers if necessary are completely wrong.”

According to Kruse, the move damages the acceptance of the energy transition and “endangers the agreed climate protection goals of the traffic light coalition.”

“I don’t want to experience this nightmare of a state electricity planned economy. Nobody buys an electric car if they don’t know when they can charge it.”

If a lot of electricity gets into the grid, it has to become noticeably cheaper for customers, and the price signals have to reach the end customer.

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