AppleButdevelopmentReleased for users and registered usersiOS16.3Release Candidate (RC)A developer reports that a description of a classical music app that Apple has announced to be released has been found.iOS16The code for .3 has “Apple Music Classical” is written.
From Apple Classical to “Renamed to Apple Music Classical?
Apple in August 2021Acquisition of Classical Music Streaming Service Primephonic AnnouncedHowever, it announced that it would release a classical music app in 2022.
Developer iSoftware Updates (@iSWUpdates)iOS16.3When I analyzed the RC of, “Apple Music Classical” and that the name has changed from “Apple Classical” up to iOS 16.3 Beta 2.
For example, the description “Shortcut to Apple Classical” in iOS16.3 Beta 2“Open in Apple Music Classical”In addition to being changed to , a description such as “Search for this artist with a classical music application” has been found, indicating that development is progressing.
However, the release date of “Apple Music Classical” is unknown.
With iOS 16.3 RC, Apple has modified and added some strings in the Music app regarding the now renamed Apple Music Classical (it was just Apple Classical up until 16.3 beta 2). Seems they’re still working on it
Described in iOS15.5 beta and Apple Music for Android
In February 2022,AndroidFrom Apple Music Beta forThe statement “Open with Apple Classical”was discovered, and in MayDescription of “Open with Apple Classical” and “Shortcut to Apple Classical” from iOS15.5 betahas also been discovered.
In September, from Apple’s backend codeDescription of “Apple Music Classical”has been discovered, but the app has not been released even following 2022, and Apple continues to be silent.
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