Men who take Viagra may be treating not only erectile dysfunction, but also heart problems and avoiding an early death. At least that’s what a new study concludes. published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine on the 13th of January.
Researchers at the University of Southern California, in the United States, analyzed data from 70,000 adult men, with an average age of 52 years, who had suffered from erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. According to the scientists, use of the Pill was associated with a lower incidence of heart complications, cardiovascular death and overall mortality risk.
Participants were divided into two groups: 23,816 were using Viagra and 48,682 were not taking the pill. The scientists found that those using the drug were less likely to suffer from heart problems, were 17% less likely to experience heart failure and 22% less likely to develop unstable angina, a sudden chest pain that usually occurs when the patient is at rest.
Participants who took the pill also lived longer on average, with their risk of premature death falling by 25% over the study period.
Experts explain in the study that the drug is able to increase blood flow in the arteries of the heart, preventing clots, in addition to improving oxygenation throughout the body. Therefore, previous research has also linked the use of Viagra to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s, which can be caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain.
Although the results are promising, the researchers do not recommend the use of Viagra off-label – it is a recommended treatment only for cases of erectile dysfunction.
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