‘Inha University classmate raped and killed’ 20-year-old man sentenced to 20 years in prison

In July of last year, a 21-year-old man was sentenced to 20 years in prison for raping a female student on the campus of Inha University in Incheon and causing her to fall to her death.

The 12th Criminal Division of the Incheon District Court sentenced the man to 20 years in prison at a sentencing hearing held today.

The judge explained the reason for the sentencing, saying, “After the crime, the defendant found the victim fallen and fell to the floor, but did not take any action.” .

However, the judge did not accept the charge of ‘murder by intentional negligence’ raised by the prosecution, judging that the accused had no intention to kill the victim or that there was no benefit to be gained from killing.

In addition, considering the victim’s condition at the time, it was judged that the perpetrator might not know this principle according to the forensic scientist’s opinion that the fall might have occurred with a small force.

Appearing in court wearing a yellow-green shroud, the man continued to stand trial with his head bowed.

The bereaved family sat in the courtroom and listened to the judge’s verdict, wiping away tears throughout the trial.

This man was handed over to trial on charges of sexually assaulting an unconscious victim in a building at Inha University in Incheon at around 2 am on July 15 last year and causing her to fall 8 meters to her death.

At the time, it was investigated that following drinking together, the man took the unconscious female victim back to school and sexually assaulted him, and even following the victim fell, he left the scene without any relief measures.

The prosecution, who applied the charge of ‘rape and murder’ with a heavier sentence than the charge of ‘quasi-rape and manslaughter’ applied by the police earlier, said at the trial on the 19th of last month that ‘the man expected the victim to die if he fell from the building’ and sentenced to life imprisonment. has been rescued.



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